30 Minutes Without My Cell Phone

Last weekend I ran the Jingle Bell 5K thereby successfully completing my goal of running one 5K each month in 2017. Since my running buddy missed the race due to an injury, I ran alone for the first time all year. After finishing the race I decided to wait around for the results and medal ceremony. Though it was freezing cold out, I found myself a nice sunny spot to sit and wait. When I reached into my pocket for my phone I realized I'd left it in the car and thought, "You know what? I'm gonna sit here sans phone and enjoy a little unplugged time."

What happened over the next 30 minutes or so was quite interesting.

  • First, I noticed how pretty much everyone else waiting around for results was looking at their phones. (No judgment. If I hadn't left mine in the car I'd have been doing the same.)

  • Next I had the chance to really enjoy basking in the warmth the shining sun provided in stark contrast with the ice-cold cement step I was sitting on.

  • Then I had time to relax, look around and notice all sorts of details I'd surely have missed if I'd had my eyes glued to my phone…

    • The little town square looked like it was making a comeback.

    • There was a funky vintage clothing store, a cute coffee shop and a retro theater showing Christmas movies for free.

    • There was a man wearing a kilt, jingle bells and reindeer antlers. (He won the best costume award!)

  • Before long I struck up a conversation with some others waiting for the results.

    • We congratulated each other for showing up on such a cold morning and encouraged each other to keep up the good work.

    • We talked about an inspiring article we'd all read in the Dallas News about a local man who'd just turned 100 years old and was still running.

    • We clapped and high-fived when the winners' names were announced. (I placed third in my age group so it was fun to finish the year off with a medal win!)

The lovely experiences I enjoyed that morning remind me of some of the reasons I'm so looking forward to sharing Creative Oasis Retreats with you in the New Year.

  • To welcome you into a cozy, safe space where you can unplug, step away from your devices, daily responsibilities and stresses to focus on creative experiences that energize and delight you.

  • To give you relaxed time away to ponder the questions "What do I need? What do I want? What are delightfully doable ways I can make these things happen in my busy life?"

  • To share gentle reminders that your creative joy and good self-care are essential to your health and happiness ~ not a luxury to be enjoyed once in a blue moon.

  • To introduce you to kindred creative spirits who, like you, are excited to follow their creative curiosity, to learn new things, and to try new experiences.

  • To equip you with a treasure chest of tools and techniques that will help you to continue moving forward on your creative journey and weaving more and more fulfilling and fun Creative Oasis Moments into your life throughout the year.

  • To provide a truly transformative experience, each retreat will be limited to five people, which will mean more one-on-one time for you to bring your creative vision for 2018 into focus.

Creative Oasis Vision Retreat ~ January 2018

Choose one of two dates for $197:

  • Thursday, January 11th ~ 9am to 3pm (Only 3 Seats Still Available)

  • Saturday, January 13th ~ 9am to 3pm (SOLD OUT)

*Special Early Bird Bonus ~ Register and pay for your retreat in full by January 3, 2018 and you'll receive a complimentary one-on-one coaching session. (A $125 value)

"I feel deeply refreshed, with a renewed sense of purpose, after spending time in retreat at Jill's home. The space is enchanting, but it is her gifts of genuine hospitality, connection, and creative nurturing that made my experience such a delight. Once you step across Jill's threshold you're no longer a stranger, but a member of the Creative Oasis family."

~ Jennifer Wilson, founder of SimpleScrapper

Contact me here if you feel called to join me for a day of creative rejuvenation, relaxation and connection. I'd love for you to claim one of the few remaining retreat spots as your own today or hop on the waiting list for my February retreats. Here's to enjoying more cell-phone-free Creative Oasis Moments during the holidays and into the New Year!