5-Minute Flash of Creative Freedom & Fun

My latest 5-minute flash of creative freedom & fun!

I’m always looking for new ways to weave a littlelow-pressure creativity into my life and share it with others looking to do thesame. Though I’m blessed to experience lots of creative satisfaction through myCreative Oasis Coaching work, I still want to practice what I preach and exploreall manner of creativity for the sheer joy of it. Even a short burst of creativeplay can infuse our busy days with an amazing feeling of freedom and fun!
Although I’m a singer/songwriter and a creativity coach, Idon’t consider myself a visual artist. Nevertheless, I love to play with artsupplies, compile collages, dabble in photography and explore other forms ofarts and crafts.

Mandala I made during a Creative Oasis Day Tripper outing

The latest, greatest way I’ve found to enjoy a quick flashof creative freedom is by using an app called “Over” on my iPhone. Last week Itook a photo of my calendar (I love the Japanese Woodblock images), thenwrote a quick haiku inspired by the shot and finally used the “Over” app tocombine them to create the image you see above which I then posted on Instagram (creativeoasiscoach).I'm so happy with the way it turned out. The project took about five minutes from start tofinish and was super easy and fun to do.
Today we have hundreds (if not thousands) of great,easy-to-use apps (many of them free) literally at our fingertips. I’ll continueto share my favorite findings with you as I search for the best and brightest thatallow us to infuse a burst of creative energy into our busy lives.
BTW - I’m not an affiliate or associated with “Over” or“iPhone” in any way. Just like to share what’s working for me creatively in thehopes you might enjoy exploring it as well.
If you have a favorite app you use to add a little creative play to your day, I’d love to hear about it in the comment section below.

Thanks so much to all of you who have donated to help my fundraising for Love Hope Strength!  
I just returned from the hike which was seriously challenging, but doable and an amazing experience. We hiked with cancer survivors, their loved ones, musicians and hundreds of wonderfully caring people from all over the world to create awareness and raise money for Love Hope Strength - fighting cancer one concert and one hike at a time!


   doug & jill bryan vail rocks 2013
Near the summit and feeling fine!
There's still time to donate to this fabulous foundation that's building cancer centers around the globe, helping to staff them with doctors and raising awareness about how easy and painless it now is to be a bone marrow donor.  
vail rocks 2013     
Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis toyours,
P.S. – If you'd like to have Mid-Week Oasis Moments (bite-sized bonbons of creative inspiration) delivered each week please sign up here: https://www.creativeoasiscoaching.com/newsletter.html

You'll also receive a free copy of "Permission to Be Creative 101" – my short e-book that will help you take the first small steps to make the time and space for creative fulfillment – your Creative Oasis – in  your busy life!