Butterflies, Buddha & Beating Myself Up

 This week I scanned one of my favorite mixed-media pages from my Creative Oasis Journal then played with digital editing tools to create the new piece you see above.I chose this page because it holds a message I need to hear again (and again) and thought perhaps you could use the reminder as well.

"If your compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete." ~ Buddha
Do you ever find it easier to show compassion to your friends, family and even total strangers than to yourself? If so, you're note alone.


Rather than beat myself up because I hadn't created a brand new message for this Mid-Week Oasis Moment, I gave myself permission to visit my journal for inspiration and update an earlier MWOM to share with you.


That's how self-compassion sparked my creative productivity. Now it's your turn. I invite you to use two of my favorite techniques to help increase your creative momentum.


#1 ~ Use a Creative Oasis Mantra.


Choose a phrase that will serve as an inspiring reminder (I call them Creative Oasis Mantras) to help strengthen positive habits. You may want to print the image above or simply jot down the quote on a sticky note.


Next, place your Creative Oasis Mantra someplace you're likely to see it several times a day such as your computer, bathroom mirror or fridge. You can even make it the screensaver on your phone, tablet or computer.


Each time you read these wise words you'll be reminded of the importance of self-compassion and your belief will be strengthened a bit more.


This is a wonderful example of the power of Kaizen (or small steps to continuous  improvement) that I use with my creative coaching clients.


#2 ~ Ask Kind Questions. Our brains love to answer questions. It's how we're wired. When we ask ourselves positively phrased questions, we open up our minds to helpful answers.For example rather than asking "Why do I always give up on my journaling?!?!!" you might ask "What's one small way I can make it easier to fit journaling into my day?" Which may lead to the answer, "I could write in my journal for a few minutes with my first cup of coffee." Or, "I could write in my journal as lovely way to end my day just before going to bed."See how much nicer and effective that is than beating yourself up? To help you get started, here are three kind questions to ponder:
#1 ~ What's one creative experience you'd like more of this week? 
#2 ~ What's one simple way you might spend time with that creative experience?
#3 ~ What if you gave yourself permission to enjoy that compassionate creative experience for the next ten minutes or so?

Until next time, here's to treating ourselves with complete compassion on our creative journey,


Jill Allison Bryan