Bye-Bye Overwhelm - Hello Fun Bloggin' & Lots of Amazing Artists

Jill and  Mosaic Butterfly by Juli Hulcy of

Okay, I'll admit that I've slipped a bit behind in my posts lately and I'll be happy to blame my slight perfectionistic leanings and good old procrastination for that. I have several wonderful stories and lots of great photos to share, so as they've slowly piled up over the past few weeks I've felt more and more overwhelmed by the prospect of sharing them with you in a timely and pretty manner.

Luckily, today it dawned on me that I am, after all, a Master Kaizen-Muse® Creativity Coach and I have the tools to break down this overwhelm and get back to posting.

First, though I have three or four different stories I'm eager to share, guess what, I don't have to share them all at once. Once at a time will do quite nicely, thank you. (breaking projects down into small, doable steps is a wonderful part of this creativity coaching method)

Fun sign in Front of Juli Hucy's amazing chick coop (sad my photo didn't turn out - it looks like an old-fashioned circus car - super cool! Lucky chicken!)

So today, I GET TO (no reason to tell myself I HAVE TO do something I really enjoy doing) write the story I want to share about the White Rock Lake Artists' Studio Tour here in East Dallas a few weeks ago. Creative Oasis Coaching was a proud sponsor of the 20th anniversary of this East Dallas tradition and it was a blast getting out to see as many of the studios as I could over the weekend.

My Sis-in-Law Shanny went with me, and I do happen to love her, so this photo opportunity at Juli Hucy's funky studio was perfect. (check out Juli's work at

One of the most surprising stops along the tour was the White Rock Weaving Center, which looks from the outside like an unassuming one room shop, but as we walked further and further in we realized there were more than seven rooms and spaces filled with beautiful, color threads and yarns, looms of all shapes and sizes and the wonderful women creating various weavings throughout. It was truly a feast for the senses. 

I would love to wrap myself up in all of the super soft and colorful wool in the spinning room. 

Did you know there's such a thing as painting with felt? Check out this gorgeous, textile – so lovely to see and feel – a 3-dimensional depiction of a photograph created on canvas with soft felted wool. 

We visited the inviting backyard studio of Sonya Shinn Edwards and enjoyed watching her work on a few canvases and sell one or two just in the short time we were there. (Yay! Love people who support independent artists!) And that's what the tour is all about – exposing people the fabulous variety of talented artists we have right here in East Dallas – many of them in my own hood.

I could have spent all afternoon on the funky and fabulous grounds of David B. Hickman and his eclectic sculptures. He and his wife have truly created an artistic oasis. Check out this brilliant mosaic fireplace in their back house. (I know it's wrong to covet - but I want one!!!)

I was able to find a few lovely things to buy for myself including a Japanese style vase created by Lynn Wilkes Armstrong of both hands studio.
I also loved the photography and mixed media pieces shown at silent G imagery. Their styles encompassed a wide variety of images and themes and were so engaging and magical!
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the woman who started this all 20 years ago – hosting the first event in her backyard with other artistic neighbors – Marty Ray and her husband Richard Ray. Marty creates beautiful pottery and her husband paints.
Richard's work shed in the back reminded me of my granddad's garage where he hung all matter of rusting treasures. I wonder if he realized he was creating art in his own way?

Check out his Vangoghesque painting of White Rock Lake. I love it!
Of course there was no way I could visit all of the 50 artists and five art centers in just two days, but if you visit the tours' website at you can check out even more of the many talented teachers, artists and supporters that came together to open their studios and hearts to the Dallas community and do so each fall. I know they'd love for you to join them in 2013!
Fun sculpture made from an old tree stump, because that's what you get when you view life through a creative lens!

Until next time, all the best from my creative oasis to yours,

p.s. - Last tool, I gave myself an hour to create a blog that was not perfect, but good enough to share, and that's what you have here. Hope you enjoyed!