Do You Agree With This Definition of a Creative Life?


Do you agree with Elizabeth Gilbert's definition of a creative life?

If so ~ could you use a little help living one yourself?

You're not alone if your answer is yes.

This past spring twelve wonderful women joined me to discover and practice new ways of living a creative life inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert's popular new book, Big Magic ~ Creative Living Beyond Fear. My inaugural Big Magic Better-Than-A-Book-Club Coaching Group enjoyed the experience so much that I knew I had to offer it again as soon as possible. In fact, many of you are already on the waiting list for round two which I'm happy to report is now open for registration! You can find all the details and sign up here.

Whether or not you choose to join me for the next round of my Big Magic program, I invite you to take two minutes right now (a delightfully do-able amount of time) to consider how your life might look and feel once it's amplified, made bigger, happier, expanded and more interesting by saying yes to the creative life you dream of. You can write your thoughts in a journal, use the pretty printable dream sheet I created for you below or simply daydream on it a moment or two. (Though I must say, there's something extra empowering and enlightening about writing down your dreams. It helps you grab them from the place they swirl around and around in your mind, put them down on paper and get a good look at them!)

Click here to download your "My Creative Life" dream sheet.

Awareness is one of the most important small steps you can take when bringing change to your life. (In fact, it's nearly impossible to make a change if you don't know what you want!) Why not set a time for two-minutes right now and use these Big Magic-inspired prompts to inspire yourself?

If you'd like to share what you dream up in the comments below I'd love to hear it! And, if you want to take the next small steps from awareness toward truly living the creative life you dream of I invite you to join me for my Big Magic Better-Than-A-Book-Club Coaching Group. (FYI ~ There are only 10 spots available per group ~ one daytime and one evening group for this summer session.)

Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,
