Good Things Come in Microscopic Packages

photo by Dr. Gary Greenburg

Seeing gorgeous photographs of grains of sand magnified over 250 times reminds me that good things do indeed come in small packages. In this instance, even microscopic packages!The microphotography of Dr. Gary Greenburg's book, A Grain of Sand: Nature's Secret Wonder, shares the complex and amazing beauty of single grains of sand from beaches around the globe giving new meaning in stunning 4-color imagery to the words of William Blake:

"To see a world in a grain of sand, 
And a heaven in a wild flower.
To hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 
And eternity in an hour." 
                                               – "Auguries of Innocence" 1805
A Grain of Sand - Nature's Secret Wonder by Dr. Gary Greenberg
Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,