Thoughts On The Importance Of Doing Nothing.

santa-2Bfe-2BhipstalullI'm happy to share a few thoughts with you on why it's healthy to experience lull in your busy life from time to time. I write to you today from the gorgeous mountains of Breckenridge, Colorado where I happen to do some of my finest lull-ing. (At least using my definition of "lull" as seen above.)In fact, it's not uncommon for me to sit looking out the back window watching chipmunks and squirrels dine on sunflower seeds and look stinkin' adorable for extended periods of time up here.So why is taking a break from your day-to-day routine of constant productivity good for your creativity, health and sanity?Here's how Brigid Schulte, author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has Time, characterizes this phenomenon:

Neuoscience is finding that when we are idle, in leisure, our brains are most active. The Default Mode Network lights up, which, like airport hubs, connects parts of our brains that don't typically communicate. So a stray thought, a random memory, an image can combine in novel ways to produce novel ideas. (You can read the entire Inc. article here.)

Even if there's no trip to the mountains in your future, you can experience a little lull and creative self-care anytime you like.

Why not give yourself permission to enjoy just 10 minutes of relaxing "non-productive" time today? Don't know where to begin? Here are some ideas to help you get started.

10 Ways To Experience Some Lovely Lull Whenever You Like

    1. Close your eyes and breathe. (Yes, you could call this meditation...but it's also just relaxing to have your eyes closed and breathe in and out for a few need to call it more than that.)
    2. Take a walk around the block. (Hint: to experience an unplugged lull, leave your phone at home.)
    3. Doodle aimlessly.
    4. Treat yourself to a massage.
    5. Flip though one of your favorite coffee table books. (If you're like me, you buy them but forget to enjoy them!)
    6. Color a mandala or coloring page.
    7. Cut and arrange some fresh flowers.
    8. Enjoy a solo trip to a museum, gallery or bookstore.
    9. Peruse a favorite cookbook and choose a new recipe to try.
    10. Spend 10 minutes completely lost in the Creative Oasis Moment of your choosing. (To me that's a creative experience that energizes and delights you, brings you peace ~ that makes your heart sing and time fly.)

Wishing you some lovely lull time and creative self-care this summer wherever you may be!All the best from my mountain Creative Oasis to yours,JilljillbyriverP.S. ~ *Full disclosure: in order to practice what I preach and enjoy some "lull" time myself, I post an updated version of this Mid-Week Oasis Moment once a summer. You're good with that, right?