The Infinite Possibility of Women Helping Women

This is a page from my Creative Oasis Journal. I use this type of journal with my coaching clients and for myself as a place to combine inspirational words and images in collage form. The above is my most recent entry and one I'm very excited about because it holds clues to a big event coming up in my life - the release of my CD.

I've decided that rather than have a typical CD release party at a club, I'm going to create a charitable event which will combine art, music and women in collaboration to raise money for one of my favorite charitable organizations - Women for Women International. The pieces are slowly coming together, and what began as a creative dream is coming true day by day.
The woman in the photo is Zainab Salbi, founder of Women for Women Internation. "Infinite Possibility" is the name of one of the songs on my CD. The quote energizes me each time I read it and as this CD release event becomes a reality I do feel that my life is perfectly on course!
Stay tuned. I'll be sharing more details as the project takes shape!