Leave Space for Creative Inspiration and Ideas

Not only was it totally random that the Moonolgy Oracle Deck was next in line on the day of the full moon this week...

But while shuffling I thought, “I wonder if there’s a Full Moon in Sagittarius card” (since that was the exact moon phase) and then that’s the exact card I pulled!

Yes - I squealed with delight when I saw it!

The message of that card and one that keeps coming through to me loud and clear lately is to be sure to leave time and space for creative ideas and inspiration to flow in.

🌟 ​(Check out the Instagram Live I did where I go into more detail about this.)​ 🌟

Inside the Magic Action Mastermind we talk about and practice things like this every week.

Join me for my next Free Magic Action Masterclass for a taste of what that's like and how it can help you turn stay on track and create momentum for your person and professional creative dreams!