Why Live A Creative Life Just For The Joy Of It?

staticlaughingjill-copykerouacI was talking with a friend the other day about what it means to be a multi-passionate creative. You may well be one of those yourself.Are you innately curious about lots of different things? Do you consider yourself a life-long learner? Does it make you happy when you give yourself permission to:* Dip your toes in * Test drive ideas * Taste different foods * Dabble in this or that * Say yes to new experiences * Read about innovative ideas * Explore places foreign to you * Put together new combinations * Give something a whirl for the fun of itIf so, please remember, this does not mean you need to hit a home run, create a multimillion dollar business, be published, have your art hung in a gallery, win a Grammy, open a bakery or wind up on Oprah … to be "successful."Society can make us feel that way though, can’t it?When we second-guess our desires and put qualifiers on when it’s okay to spend time with the creative experiences that energize and delight us we miss out on the pure joy of living a creative life.I propose that when you follow your curiosity and give yourself permission to be creatively productive ~ for the joy of it...to embrace the experience...because your life will be infinitely more interesting, fulfilling and fun when you do ~ that's reason enough!In fact, given the magnificent benefits of spending time in your Creative Oasis, that's more than enough!And it's certainly better than putting on blinders to all of the amazing creative possibilities we can explore during our short time here on earth in the name of being “successful,” "normal," or whatever other “acceptable” title the world gives those who step in line.Here's to diving into a beautiful, messy, uncertain, non-linear creative life in all of its awe-inspiring, guffaw-inducing, tear-provoking, anger-inciting, love-sparking joy ~ simply because it's such an amazing experience ~ why would we not?If you haven’t checked it out yet, I invite you to grab your free copy of my all new Permission to Be Creative 101 guide to ponder your own Creative Oasis and jumpstart your creative productivity in just 10 minutes!Until next time, all the best from my multi-passionate Creative Oasis to yours,Jill