Reaching Your Personal Best Can Be Easier Than You Think


Happy me when I realized I'd run my best 5K time yet!

Today I want to share another way that I’m walking the walk (or running the run, in this instance) side-by-side with you and my creative coaching clients.More importantly, I want to share how using a few simple, yet powerful, Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching methods have helped me to achieve a personal best I would not have even dreamed possible a few months ago!As you’ve heard me say before, a Creative Oasis Moment is any experience that makes your heart sing and time fly.You may experience yours through outlets such art, music, or writing but you can also enjoy this life-enriching time via gardening, cooking, yoga, travel, learning a new language, hiking, visiting a museum, listening to a concert, even rearranging your house. Any experience that energizes and delights you counts!Lately, one of my favorites has been running. (This still blows my mind a bit, since I’ve never really considered myself a runner.)Last week I ran my 5K route in just 30 minutes! When I did the math I was pleasantly surprised to have surpassed my, up until then, personal best time of 10-minute miles.This is yet another wonderful example of how the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching methods I use with my clients work like magic in my own life as well!Specifically, here are five methods that helped me to easily and joyfully move into a place where I now actually consider myself a runner and, more importantly, have enjoyed the process every step of the way! (No pun intended.)1 ~ Small Steps ~ I started out back in January by adding just a little jogging here and there into my morning walks. Look for steps that feel delightfully doable!2 ~ Self-Kindness ~ I don't ever beat myself up if I don't feel like running. This may take a little practice, especially if you have perfectionist tendencies, but, believe me, you’ll thank yourself in the long run. (I just can’t seem to help myself with the puns, can I?)3 ~ Gentle Accountability ~ I invited a friend to run my first 5K of 2017 with me in January. (We had so much fun that she’s now joined me in my goal of running one 5K per month goal in 2017. Now we have 5 down 7 to go!)4 ~ Small Rewards ~ When I do have a nice run or improve my time a bit I celebrate by posting something on Facebook or writing myself a congratulatory note in my journal. My friend and I also go out for breakfast and a visit after our races which is always a nice treat!5 ~ Reframes ~ I think of my morning runs as an "I Get To" rather than an "I Have To" and sometimes dedicate my run in my mind to a friend or loved one.How might you use these five methods to enjoy more Creative Oasis Moments in your life?If you could use some help and accountability making this happen, one-on-one Creative Oasis Coaching could be a great next step for you.Here's to making your Creative Oasis dreams come true one gentle, small step at a time!Jill