Ready to Retreat, Relax and Embrace Creative Momentum?

Embracing Creative Momentum
A retreat offering creative guidance, yoga and rejuvenation
with Jane Baldwin & Jill Allison Bryan
at the Double J Hacienda & Art Ranch
June 10 ­–12, 2011
Jane & Jill recently experienced the power of retreat first hand in Taos.

Do you long for time away from have-to-do-lists, general life noise and pressure? Do you crave the time for rejuvenation, inspiration and peace? Then please join us for a weekend in retreat…time to create (or not)…to stretch…to sketch…to nap…to read…to write…to think…to breathe…or to simply be.
Peace in the sky chair
How good would it feel to give yourself a welcome respite from the stress and strain of everyday life? To learn and practice powerful ways of attaining and maintaining creative satisfaction that you can continue to use and enjoy once you return home? When we step outside our everyday surroundings and schedules, we allow ourselves to reconnect with our inner wisdom and creative spirit. We remind ourselves what it's like to truly experience the joy of personal fulfillment.
Our Embracing Creative Momentum retreat includes yoga, Creative Oasis™ workshops, lodging and meals including dinner on Friday evening, 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast & lunch on Sunday at the glorious Double J Hacienda and Art Ranch in Mineral Wells, Texas over looking the Brazos River. (Just 45 minutes north of Fort. Worth, Texas but a world away from the stress of everyday life!)

Double J Hacienda & Art Ranch
 133 Seybold Road, Mineral Wells, TX 76067

This will be the third retreat I've facilitated at the Double J, an amazingly special place which is nothing less than a swirling vortex of creative energy, peaceful spirit and unconditional love! I hope you'll join me and Jane for what promises to be another transcendent experience there.  

Early Bird Discount with registration and $150 non-refundable down payment by May 15, 2011
$400 – double occupancy with private bath 
($500 after 5/15/11)
$450 – single occupancy with shared bath 
($550 after 5/15/11)
$475 – single occupancy with private bath 
($575 after 5/15/11)
Gentle yoga and breathing
View of the  Brazos from the best porch in Texas
Visiting on the patio
Returning our mandala to the earth

Here's what participants of past Creative Oasis retreats have to say:

"As I began my day I was aware of being more open and less judgmental of myself, in small ways.I am repeating "small steps" and taking them as I have gone through my day. I also an trying to train myself to re-frame my thoughts. Your "exercises" were meaningful and gave me things to not only think about but that are easily put into action. I loved the menagerie of goodies you brought for us to get my creative juices going. Took me to the enthusiasm I felt in my(several years past!) grade school art classes.The eagerness and wonder of what I could do! As I relaxed I experienced (total para-phrase)  what you said about losing track of time when in  the midst of the passion of your creativity. The warm smiling faces and the willingness of our group enhanced my creative spirit. The group's grace offered  both a lightness and a sensation of being grounded all at once. Inspiring,helpful and whimsical!I Can't wait for future Creative Oasis events! Thank you, Jill."
Alicia N.
"Thank you. You gave me so much energy and inspiration. Thank you so much, Jill, on drawing such a wonderful group, for teaching us SO many valuable things and for putting into practice what you preach. Thank you so much, Jane, for sharing your spiritual talents, healing powers and beautiful life with us." Ashley B.
"I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful retreat last weekend.  It was more than I hoped it would be.  I keep flashing back to our group circles, creative time, morning coffee and quiet time and it feels so good.  You are a wonderful leader and a gifted coach.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!"  Shannon K.
"Today,  as I meandered through my "everyday" world again,  I could barely stay focused.  I found myself drifting back to the last couple of days and the joy I witnessed – watching and listening to each one of you as you progressed through the weekend.  I learned so much by just being near your spirits.  Jill, you are so correct when you say that there will not be another retreat like this one.  True, there will be more magic, but a different magic."   
Miki G.

Jill Allison Bryan is a certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach and the founder of Creative Oasis Coaching™
Jane Baldwin is certified yoga teacher and the founder of Pranasalara
To register and reserve your space contact: