Giving Thanks To The Muses & My Mentor ~ Jill Badonsky

More than 12 years ago I set off on a journey to rediscover myself supported by this fabulous book and its author, Jill Badonsky, who served first as my creativity coach, then as my teacher as I worked to earn my certification as a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, as a mentor when I started my Creative Oasis Coaching business and finally as my friend.Back then I never could have imagined all of the zigs and zags and highs and lows that awaited me over the last dozen or so years!• A return to writing and performing as a singer/songwriter.

• Writing, recording and releasing my solo CD, Dancing in Limbo.• Transforming my CD release into a fundraiser with live music, a silent art auction featuring original art created by female artists inspired the songs on my CD, raffle, and one helluva party if I do say so myself, that raised more than $10,000 for Women for Women International.• Earning my certification as a Master KMCC Coach.• Founding my Creative Oasis Coaching business.• Navigating the often tumultuous waters of divorce, an empty nest, parents' health concerns and more of life’s roller coaster of ups and downs.I am so grateful for the tools, techniques and mindset methods I learned from Jill all those years ago. They helped me move bravely and confidently through each and every challenge and storm.It’s now my passion, honor and joy to coach and support women on their journeys of creative self-discovery!I just really wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks Jill Badonsky of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching ! 🦋🙏🏼💖