This Was Going To Be A Surprise But...

That's right! In just 10 minutes a day (or less) you can enjoy a more relaxing, creatively fulfilling and fun summer.

Yesterday I was putting the finishing touches on a surprise thank you gift for everyone who purchases a "Create the Summer of Your Dreams" Kit ~ when I realized surprises are great, but you need to know this now!

This special gift, a Create the Summer of Your Dreams Check List, breaks down the entire kit into ten simple steps that you can easily enjoy one to ten minutes at a time. Totally doable, right?

Next to each small step on the check list I've put the approximate time it will take to complete that step so you'll know what to expect and how to easily weave time with your kit into your summer days.

You've heard me talk about how the "Create the Summer of Your Dreams Kit" can help you envision and enjoy a summer filled with creative delights, restful relaxation and fun. Now you know how easy it will be to do just that.

Grab your kit here now and in addition to your check list gift, you'll also be invited to join me for  a FREE Let's Get Started Q & A Call I'm sharing June 11, 2015. (This Early Bird Bonus offer ends at midnight CST, Tuesday June 9, 2015.)

I can't wait to dive right into the kit with you on the Q & A Call and send your surprise gift (okay, so it's not really a surprise anymore) Check List to help you start creating your dream summer right away ~ 10 minutes (or less!) at a time. 
All the best from my dreamy summer Creative Oasis to yours,
P.S. ~ If you enjoyed this post please share on Facebook and twitter using the buttons below!  If you'd like to receive bite-size bonbons of creative inspiration like this Mid-Week Oasis Moments plus a free copy of my e-book "Permission to Be Creative 101" join me here: