🌟 Move from Inaction to Inspired Action Today 🌟

Use these 5 Fabulous Resources to Move Out of Your Own Way and
Bring the Creative Dreams Whirling Around In Your Mind To Life!


Your Creative Oasis Jumpstart Bundle Includes Instant Access to:

* Magic Action Guide
{PDF to download and use immediately}

The 3-Phases to turn Creative Dreaming into Creative Doing
{NBC Texas Today video interview ~ 6-minutes}

* Kaizen ~ A Magical Method for Multi-passionate Creatives
{Video replay of one of my most popular interactive workshops ~ 60-minutes}

* Navigating Major Life Changes With Autonomy & Grace (motherhood, divorce, bankruptcy and beyond)
{Video of live presentation for Dallas Chapter of CreativeMornings ~ 25-minutes}

* How I Built My Creative Coaching Business
{Podcast episode ~ 25 minutes}

Here's a downloadable Permission Slip for you to print and keep as a reminder while you work your way through the Creative Oasis Jumpstart Bundle. 😊 Enjoy!

{Download the PDF to use immediately}

Use this repeatable 3-step method to move out of  stuck, resistant or doubtful energy into confident creative flow and experience more joy, ease and meaning in your creative endeavors in minutes.


{Click here to learn the 3-Phases to turn Creative Dreaming
into Creative Doing ~ 6 minutes}

Check out my recent TV interview on NBC Texas Today to learn the three phases you need to move the creative ideas whirling around in your mind from dream state to reality. 


{Replay of interactive workshop ~ 60-minutes}

{Click to download and print accompanying Guide Sheets}

Learn a variety of ways to use this time-tested method to move past blocks
such as procrastination, perfectionism, overwhelm and inner critic voices. 

This workshop is of my most popular CreativeMornings Field Trips
and has helped thousands of multi-passionate creatives around the globe.


{*  Navigating Major Life Changes With Autonomy & Grace
(motherhood, divorce, bankruptcy and beyond)
Click to watch my presentation for the Dallas Chapter of CreativeMornings ~ 25-minutes}

Use my vulnerable sharing of some of the biggest challenges, transformations and triumphs in my life along with actionable tips to create real, positive and lasting change in your own life.


{Click to listen this podcast episode ~ 25 minutes}

Learn how I’ve built my business helping creatives turn their dreams into reality
on this popular podcast I was asked to guest host.

Of particular interest if you’re starting or growing a coaching or online business.