Enjoy the Gift of "I Get To"

christmasremindercard002How would you like to take a little break from your holiday "Have To Dos" and enjoy the gift of "I Get To" instead?If that sounds good, I invite you to join me as I give myself permission to practice the following "I Get Tos" this week leading up to Christmas day:

  • I get to cut back on multitasking and focus on one thing at a time.
  • I get to give people my full attention when we're together.
  • I get to practice good self-care.
  • I get to lower expectations ~ a 2-minute meditation, 3 lines in my journal or a 10-minute walk around the block is better than nothing!
  • I get to forgive myself for not making every single gift or card I wanted to make!
  • I get to remember what the season means to me. (Hint ~ it's not about giving the best gifts or attending the most parties.

What about you? What do you "Get To Do" in these days leading up to Christmas?String popcorn and cranberries with your family? Drink hot toddies and watch "It's A Wonderful Life" with friends? Simply sit alone and let yourself enjoy the lights on your Christmas tree for ten whole minutes? (That's on my list tonight!)Even the smallest of things can bring you an enormous amount of joy, especially when we allow ourselves to really be present in the moment. That's a true gift!I wish you a Merry Little Christmas and the time and space to create at least a few wonderful holiday memories you'll cherish forever.All the best from my "I Get To" Christmas Oasis to yours,Jill