3 Reasons Why You Won't Change


You...Yes...You are allowed to change.

Not only are you allowed to change, but I'd go so far as to ask ~ why in the hell wouldn't you want to change? At least every once in a while? (Actually, I know of at least three reasons and we'll talk about those a bit later.)

When you don't give yourself permission to change here's what happens...

...you feel stuck......you lose your sense of self......you feel stagnate......you get complacent......you feel trapped......you give up......you feel unfulfilled......you settle for less...

Not exactly what you'd call enviable scenarios ~ and yet ~ still you resist change. (And when I say you, I mean most of us.) Why is that?

  1. It's Easier. Change can be difficult, time-consuming and scary. So, given the choice, it can feel like less of hassle just to keep on keeping on with the same 'ole same 'ole. Sad, but true.

  2. It's More Comfortable. What's really crazy is sometimes it feels better to stick with what's known rather than risk trying something new  ~ even when the situation you're sticking with is making you miserable! We are funny, complex creatures, we humans.

  3. It's Inertia. Issac Newton had it right. In both inanimate objects and people, the tendency to do nothing and remain unchanged is strong. Like a big, heavy boulder sitting in the middle of the road, it's going to take some outside force to get stuff moving.

I'm here today to remind you ~ You Are Allowed To Change! You have permission to change your mind, your hairstyle, your career, your partner, your friends, your location, (did I mention your mind ~ because that's a big one), your trajectory, your religious beliefs, your favorite color, your eating preferences, your creative path, etc.... You get the idea, right?

But do you really? Do you really believe that you can change? Because the truth is most of us don't. On some level we feel like we have to keep plugging away...doing what we've always done...making the same choices...playing the same roles...even when we've outgrown them completely.

My new coaching program, The Creative Oasis Discovery Sessions, may be just the outside force you need to dissolve all three of these reasons and step up to forge a new creative path for yourself. (Look for early registration information soon.)

Here's to NOT continuing to do the same damn thing because you're afraid of change. I've been there. I've done that. No more! Bring on the change! Here's to whatever new adventures all of these changes bring! May they serve us and each other well!

Until next time, all the best from the ch-ch-ch-changes in my Creative Oasis to yours,


P.S. ~ What changes do you want for yourself in 2017? I'd love to know. Please feel free to share in the comments below.