Tea With Tolstoy, Dolly Parton & The Real Me


I’m sitting in front of the fire, sipping a cup of tea and musing on the surprising similarity of the wisdom of Leo Tolstoy and Dolly Parton. (Stick with me on this.)

Last week I shared that several shake-ups in my life had resulted in an “aha” moment ~ namely, that it’s time for me to ditch the superwoman cape and get to know the real me again. Many of you reached out to let me know you’re experiencing some major life changes of your own.

Here’s the good news. These shifts may be just the catalysts you need to give yourself permission to get reacquainted with the “true you.” The you who's hidden just below the surface for too long now.

Which brings me back to Leo Tolstoy and Dolly Parton and their thoughts on the opportunities of change. Sometimes the change is out of your control ~ and yet ~  it can be the very thing that empowers you to press the reset button in your life.

Tolstoy put it this way ~ “Once we’re thrown off our paths, we think all is lost, but it’s only here that the new and the good begins."

Other times you can feel it in your bones ~ it's time to move in a new direction and set the change in motion for yourself.

As Dolly advises ~“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.”

I saw Dolly in concert recently. Her show was a bright spot (and I do mean BRIGHT ~ she’s the queen of bling and simply radiates love and light!) in an otherwise dark patch for me. Now there’s a woman who truly knows who she is and isn’t afraid to wear her heart on her beautiful-glittering-over-the-top-rhinestone-studded sleeve. Watching her express herself so vibrantly and be so true to herself was an inspiration.

Imagine how empowering it would be to know, love and accept yourself so completely ~ understanding full well that your music, wigs and rhinestones weren’t for everyone ~ and still not give a hoot!

Dolly holds a seat on my Cabinet of Creative Counsel ~ along side Patti Smith, Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Gilbert and dozens of other dynamic women. You can be sure she’ll make an appearance in The Creative Oasis Discovery Sessions. (My group coaching program that begins early next year where we'll use creative exploration and expression to get clear on who we truly want to be in 2017 and beyond.) You can check out my current Cabinet of Creative Counsel on this Pinterest board.

Who would sit on yours? Think of people you admire who seem to be totally in touch with who they are and show up in the world to express their true selves creatively and authentically. I’d love to hear who your dream counsel members might be. I’m always looking to add more to my own.

Here's to paving a new road to your own Creative Oasis and the true you in 2017!
