5 Reasons Creative Collaboration Is A Beautiful Thing



Me (Jill Allison Bryan) happily exploring the contemporary art pieces that comprised the Drop Out exhibit with Joan Davidow at her gallery, Site 131. 

Last weekend I experienced perhaps the most fun I've ever had taking in an exhibit at an art gallery!

Several members from my recent Big Magic Better-Than-A-Book-Club Coaching Group enjoyed a unique, interactive experience led by the owner of Site131 of the current exhibit- Drop Out. (If you live in the DFW area I highly recommend catching it next Friday or Saturday before it closes June 4, 2016.)

If you're lucky enough to take it in with the exuberant guidance of Joan Davidow I can promise you an illuminating experience. She invites you to explore the art with her in a way that fosters conversation and discovery. What a delightful afternoon! 

Joan first invited us to choose a piece we were drawn to. Then we took turns sharing what we saw in the piece. This led to discussion and more possibilities surrounding the art's meaning. After we'd brainstormed all of our ideas, Joan filled in the blank spaces with any additional background information she had about the piece or the artist.

Through creative collaboration, in a matter of minutes, we'd delved deeply into an exploration of contemporary art that was equal parts illuminating, educational and fun!  

5 Reasons Creative Collaboration Is A Beautiful Thing

  1. Positive Inclusion ~ In a true collaboration all parties want the others to succeed. Joan's passion in life and goal with Site 131 is to make contemporary art accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Her welcoming, positive attitude invited us all to step up and bravely share our thoughts without fear of judgement or ridicule or not knowing enough to comment. The positivity was contagious throughout the group.
  2. Power of The Collective ~ If I'd visited the gallery alone I'm sure it still would have been a nice experience, but with everyone in the group contributing to the conversation and bouncing ideas off of each other the positive energy of the experience was greatly increased.
  3. Strength in Numbers ~ With ten of us in the group we were able to increase the number of ideas, range of opinions and variety of input that contributed to our overall creative experience tenfold.
  4. Camaraderie ~ Gathering to look at and discuss the art as a group made for a really fun social outing and a lovely way to meet and connect with kindred creative spirits.
  5. Gentle Accountability ~ Because we'd set a time and date to meet and tour the gallery together we were all much more likely to show up for the experience.

Add to all of this a healthy dose of personalized guidance (which Joan provided in spades) and you have the exact reasons I'm putting together my Creative Oasis Collective membership group.Though I'm still finalizing the details I can tell you that the Creative Oasis Collective will be designed to help you enjoy more creative fun and fulfillment on an ongoing basis.

With the Creative Oasis Collective you'll experience: 

  • Positive Inclusion ~ our private Facebook group will provide a safe, inspiring place to meet and connect without fear of judgment.
  • Power of the Collective ~ having a group where you can share your struggles and celebrate your wins will add a powerful energy to your personal creative journey.
  • Strength in Numbers ~ if two heads are better than one, imagine how confident you'll feel being a member of a growing group of supportive women committed to nurturing creative curiosity.
  • Camaraderie ~ many fast friendships have been born in my Creative Oasis classes and workshops over the years and I look forward to seeing the trend continue within this group.
  • Gentle Accountability ~ twice a month Creative Oasis Dates will provide an easy way for you to prioritize scheduled, focused creative time.
  • Personalized Guidance ~ I'll lead a monthly group coaching call to help you move past blocks like perfectionism, procrastination and overwhelm and come up with delightfully do-able small steps to move forward on your creative journey with joy and ease.

I've already heard from several of you who are interested in joining this private membership community and want more information.Drop me a line here if you have any questions or would like to be put on the waiting list for the charter membership plan which will open soon. In the meantime, what's one delightfully do-able way you might experience a creative collaboration in the coming week?smilepicWhy not take inspiration from the above piece I saw at Site 131: Instruction (2002) by Louise Bourgeois as edited and included in the Do It project by Hans Ulrich Obrist. (I discovered more about this fascinating project via the always inspiring and enlightening brain pickings.org.)Smiling at at stranger, perhaps one of the easiest and instantly transformative creative acts you can experience!All the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jill