Forget Fame And Fortune ~ Think Of The Fun You'll Have!

 mwom12815I'm going to share a few of my favorite creative experiences ~ none of which made me a dime or brought me fame  ~ all of which I treasure dearly. But first I want to ask you a question.When's the last time you did something creative just for the fun of it? Today you say? High five!Within the week? Good for you!Can't quite remember? We need to talk.I heard from several of you who said that last week's post really resonated ~ especially the part about feeling blocked by the notion that you need to make money from your creative endeavors or at least have a darn good reason why you'd allow yourself to spend the time and energy pursuing them.My answer to that is my Creative Oasis Mantra #10 ~ Creative Time Is Always Time Well Spent!Exploring creative pursuits simply because you're curious about them or because they energize and delight you is more than enough reason.Why do you travel? Why do you take walks in nature? Why do you have friends over for dinner? Why do you go to concerts? Why do you wear your favorite scarf?Because it's going to make you money? Because there's an earth-shattering need for it to happen? No.

You do it because it makes life sweet.

It's a bright spot in a world that can be pretty dark at times.

It enriches your experience of being alive.

It connects you with kindred spirits.  

It makes you happy.

It feels good.

It's fun.

News flash ~ it's okay to do things for the fun of it sometimes. That freeing feeling doesn't have to stop when you're handed your "Official Grown-Up" card.Here are examples of a few of my favorite creative experiences I've enjoyed over the years just for the fun of it. (After seeing some of these you might think I've torn up my "Official Grown-Up" card ~ and you might be right.)

  • The time I dressed up as a county singing envelope for a 24-hour video race.
  • The time I transformed our front yard into the Mad Hatter's tea party for my daughter's birthday.
  • The time I went to see a live art/movement piece by myself and ended up meeting one of my favorite artists up close and personal.
  • The time I took part in a super silly and fun 48-minute video challenge.
  • The time I sang with Jeff Tweedy of Wilco in someone's living room. 

I made no money from these experiences. In fact, my husband and I contributed to a wonderful charity called Letters To Santa for the privilege of attending an intimate living room concert and performing with Jeff Tweedy last weekend.jill&jeff3picsBut, in addition to the chance to hang out with one of my all-time favorite musicians and do some good for some children in need, I also met and reconnected with dozens of kind, funny, intelligent people from around the world ~ people who also happen to see the value of having creative experiences for the pure joy of it!I could list dozens and dozens more creative experiences like those above. Classes I've taken. Concerts I've attended. Trips I've experienced. Parties I've thrown. Songs I've written. Cakes I've baked. All in the name of having fun and a live well lived.If you need a little help giving yourself permission to enjoy creative experiences just for the fun of it ~ please know that you're not alone!That's one of the reasons I'm gearing up to open the doors to my ~ Creative Oasis Collective ~ a private group of kindred creative spirits that will provide gentle accountability, inspiration and motivation plus a way for you to work with me between my classes, workshop and coaching sessions.Membership will include a private Facebook group, one live Q & A type group coaching call and two Creative Oasis Dates per month, plus weekly prompts all for a low monthly fee. (You can qualify for a special discount price of $15 a month for the first year when you join during the early bird period when doors first open. After that the monthly fee will go up to it's normal monthly rate of $25.)Look for more information and registration to open in the coming weeks.In the mean time, please feel free to drop me a line here if you'd like to be added to the wait list or have any questions about the Creative Oasis Collective.Until next time ~ all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jilljilleveryone'screative