What Are You Waiting to Explore, Dream and Discover?

20YearsFromNowMWOM(51816)I've had the opportunity to coach some amazing women this past week.Entrepreneurs who while busy running their businesses and homes still have the deep desire to expand their horizons with personal creative projects, passions and pursuits. To explore, dream and discover. And yet...blocks hold them back. Thoughts like ~

  • I don't have the time.
  • Who am I to take on this project?
  • I'm overwhelmed.
  • Where do I begin?
  • This feels selfish and indulgent.

These are successful, intelligent, talented, funny, heart-centered women and yet society has fed us the message for so long and with such ferocity that we believe we're supposed to:

  • Put everyone else ahead of yourself.
  • Do only things that feel difficult (because then they must be important, right?)
  • Create things only because they will bring money, notice or acclaim.
  • Be able to "do it all" and "have it all" without breaking a sweat.
  • Be in control at all times.
  • Have a reason (and a good one at that) for everything you do. 

Oh, and while you're at it, can you please be perfect, sweet, nice and kind to everyone in the world, remember everyone's birthday, pay all the bills on time, make healthy, delicious meals that satisfy your entire family, feed the dogs and keep your house clean?I tend to watch my language on social media a tad more than in real life, but I call bullshit here.When even Elizabeth Gilbert ~ the woman who wrote Big Magic ~ a manifesto for creative living ~ and award-winning author ~ second-guessed her "right" to write poetry or songs ~ because ~ "what are they for?" ~ that gives you an idea of how entrenched these creative blocks are in our society. (She shared this story when our Big Magic Better-Than-A-Book-Club Coaching Group saw her speak recently in Dallas.)So I am on a mission! A mission to help you liberate your creative spirit, give yourself permission to create for the sheer joy of it and experience the creativity of others to add rich depth and delight to your life.

  • To try new creative activities.
  • To write bad poetry.
  • To paint with your fingers.
  • To make souffles that fall.
  • To dress (or undress) boldly.
  • To travel widely.

To dive in and take those creative projects off the shelf, out of the drawer and the back of the closet and the back of your mind into the light of day where you can proudly and unashamedly enjoy the hell out of them just because they expand your life and make your life even more delicious and wonderful and fun and fulfilling and worth living!Does this sound good to you? If so please let me know.Click here to let me know what you dream of doing that you're not doing. Let me know what's stopping you. Let me know what help you could use.One idea I’ve been percolating for some time now is to gather and lead an ongoing group of kindred creative spirits.This group ~ the Creative Oasis Collective ~ would provide gentle accountability, inspiration and motivation and a way for you to work with me between my classes, workshop and coaching sessions.At this point I’m thinking membership in our collective would include a private Facebook group, one live Q & A type group coaching call and two Creative Oasis Dates per month, plus weekly prompts for $15 a month.I’ll share more details about the group soon as I finalize the details. In the meantime I’d love to know your thoughts. Please feel free to drop me a line here if you have any ideas to share or questions regarding the Creative Oasis Collective.And finally, I invite you (beg you? implore you?) to give yourself the gift of the next 2-minutes to ponder which creative projects, passions and pursuits you'd most love to have in your life and share them with me below.Awareness is the first small step to creating change.Why not fill your next 20 years with more exploring, dreaming up and discovering the Creative Oasis Moments that make life truly worth living?This rant brought to you with a lot of love, light and a pinch of caffeine.xo ~ JillP.S. ~ Heemeesheemee ~ seconds after I published this post I came across this quote ~ "It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living." Do you ever have the feeling that you're waiting to start living? I truly hope not, but if the answer is yes ~ I'd love to help. Contact me here to book a complimentary session to see how creative coaching can help you stop waiting and start living the creative life you crave.jilleveryone'screative