Three Little Words That Make For Big Time Stress Relief

beherenowMWOM9-6-17Be Here Now.This is the phrase I've chosen to be my Creative Oasis Mantra this week.Each Monday, the women in my Creative Oasis Collective share a small step we'll focus on to help us stay on track, move forward and keep in touch with our current creative projects, passions and pursuits. (It's such wonderful, gentle accountability!)We also choose a Creative Oasis Mantra ~ a phrase we come up with on our own or a quote we borrow from someone else ~ that helps inspire and motivate us to keep taking our small steps throughout the week.This week I borrowed "Be Here Now" from Ram Dass. It's the title of his 1971 book on spirituality, yoga and meditation and a phrase he learned from his guide, Bhagavan Das, in India.I chose this phrase because recently I've felt my stress levels rising due to world news, political strife, natural disasters, family issues ~ you know, life. Maybe you can relate?I noticed my stress manifesting in some pretty unhealthy ways. For example ~

  • Holding my breath
  • Letting my thoughts spin out of control
  • Slipping into full blown overwhelm
  • Worrying about things that are out of my control
  • Reaching for donuts and bags of chips (not in the same sitting at least)

I wanted a phrase that would bring me back into the present moment. "Be Here Now" felt perfect.I'm happy to report that it's helping! It's short, sweet and simple and I'm practicing saying it or thinking it each time I catch myself slipping into one of the above unhealthy behaviors. Then I take a nice deep breath and let myself come back into the present moment with a more peaceful feeling.The photo I used to create the quote above was taken at sunrise while running at my local lake. It's a good visual reminder that there are so many beautiful, peaceful moments and Creative Oasis Spaces in my life when I let myself tune into them and appreciate them.How about you?Which mantra do you think would help you feel the way you'd like to on your creative journey this week? Whether that be peaceful, productive, grounded or going gangbusters ~ I wish you the very best from my Creative Oasis to yours!xo ~ Jill