Why Creative Connections Are Good For Your Spirit

YouAreNotAloneOne of the things I love most about hosting Creative Oasis events is witnessing the human connections that transpire there.For example, when we have conversations about the blocks that keep us from enjoying our creative endeavors and hear that others are also held back by things like procrastination, perfectionism, and inner critic voices we realize ~ “I’m not the only one!”Why are connections like this so good for your creative spirit?     They help you to be inspired and to inspire others.     They help you to foster creative camaraderie and form new friendships.     They help you to remember how fun it is to experience playfulness with others. (Even as adults we need to play!)     They help you to connect with kindred creative spirits.     They help you to know that you’re not alone.I have several opportunities coming up in Dallas for you to enjoy low-pressure creative play while making creative connections as well as in my online community ~ The Creative Oasis Collective ~ no matter where in the world you live.Check them out to see if they feel like they’d be a good fit for you!

~ Wednesday, October 4th ~

Creative Oasis Coloring & Wine Party at Times Ten Cellars in Lakewood

~ Saturday, November 4th ~

Building Creative Confidence Workshop at the Creative Arts Center of Dallas

~ Ongoing ~ The Creative Oasis Collective ~

The Creative Oasis Collective is an intimate, private membership group with weekly online check-ins, twice a month Creative Oasis Dates plus a once a month group coaching video call/creative class. 

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Here’s to giving yourself permission to make new creative connections and enjoy the many ways they can enrich your life!As always, thanks for reading and connecting with me here,JillP.S. ~ I’m also proud to be a sponsor of the 25th Annual White Rock Lake Artists’ Studio Tour, Saturday and Sunday, October 14 & 15, 2017. This inspiring event offers you the opportunity to connect with over 50 of East Dallas artists and art centers for free!