BREATHE ~ What happens when you see this word?

Your instant reaction might surprise you.When you saw the word “BREATHE” above did you find yourself taking a nice, deep breath?I once visited a doctor who randomly placed tiny sticky notes like the one above throughout her waiting room, restroom and exam room.She knew how powerful this simple reminder could be. Every time my eye fell on one of the little notes I found myself taking a nice, deep breath. It triggered an instant reflex of the best kind.It was permission to slow down for just a moment and enjoy one of the easiest, healthiest ways to practice self-care ~ any time ~ anywhere. (It's happening now, even as I write this post!)I'm happy to share 5 delightfully doable ways to weave more mindful breathing into your creative process and your life.

  1. What if, when you sit down to enjoy a Creative Oasis Moment (whether that be writing or painting or gardening or cooking or making music or reading, etc….) you allow yourself to take two or three nice deep breaths before you begin.

You may even choose to add the simple thought, “I give myself permission to be present and fully enjoy this moment.”Imagine how calming, grounding and centering that would feel.

  1. What if, when you sit down to a meal, you practice taking one deep breath before you take your first bite?

In the short amount of time a breath takes you can feel so much gratitude for the food you’re about to eat and for the nourishment it will bring to your body.Imagine how healthy that would be for your digestion to eat while feeling relaxed and grateful rather than not fully present and rushed.

  1. What if, when you get into a car, you take in a nice calming breath as you put on your seat belt?

Imagine how nice it would be to feel centered and peaceful before heading out into the often hair-raising traffic.

  1. What if, the next time you feel anxious or stressed out about a creative project (or anything else in your life) you take three deep breaths using this method?

Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold the breath for 5 seconds and then breathe out for 7 seconds.This simple breathing technique will calm your parasympathetic nervous system and counteract panic and stress.Imagine how great it would feel to replace anxiety with peace?

  1. Lastly, what if you borrowed my doctor’s method and placed sticky notes with the word “breathe” randomly throughout your home, workplace and/or car?

Imagine how nice it would feel to experience such a simple, healthy trigger to show yourself some simple creative self-care throughout your day.If you live in or like to visit Dallas, I invite you to join me for a full day of relaxing self-care and creative play during my “Breathe & Bloom” Creative Oasis Retreats this April.Until next time, wishing you deep breaths, small steps and lovely Creative Oasis Moments that bring you joy and satisfaction!Jill