How I (Literally) Colored Myself Happy
It wasn’t until my friend Lori and I stopped to snap a quick pic at the finish line of The Color Run that I realized the race was also known as The Happiest 5K On The Planet!The funny thing is I’d planned for Color Yourself Happy! to be the theme of my March Creative Oasis Retreat long before Lori even suggested this event our March race.Now that’s what I call a world-class heemeesheemee! (My made-up word for a serendipitous experience.)We had such a blast that morning! People of all ages and fitness levels gathered to run, walk, be carried on shoulders, ride in strollers or roll in wheelchairs through a course complete with five “color-up” stations. At each station we were liberally doused with a new brightly colored powder.
After the race it felt great to be one of hundreds and hundreds of tie-dyed humans gathered together to listen to music, dance, share high fives, snap photos of each other and generally act silly while having a terrific time.Everyone was uplifted, happy and kind to one another. Which, these days, is a much needed and welcomed experience!
Here I am becoming the proud owner of one of Silky Hart Michero’s gorgeous, colorful prints. I love this piece and it makes me happy every time I see it!I’m thrilled that Silky will be my special guest partner for this month’s Color Yourself Happy! Creative Oasis Retreat. She’ll lead us through an intuitive painting session for a portion of the day.And though we won’t be throwing pigment all over each other, we will be diving into lots of playful ways to use color to add creative joy to our lives.As of this writing there are only 3 seats still available, so be sure to register here if you want to join us.Until next time, all the best from my colorful Creative Oasis to yours,Jill