A Fun Creative Exercise That Will Have You Seeing Red!

I'm happy to share a fun creative exercise that will have you seeing red…or blue…or green…or perhaps purple.A few years ago I was inspired by one of my lovely coaching clients to take a color walk. It was easy. It was fun and it was a great way to stretch my legs and my creative muscles at the same time!

Here’s how you can enjoy your own color walk:

#1. Choose a color for your walk. (I chose red for my first.)#2. Be on the look out for as many things as you can find that are your chosen color. It’s kind of like a color treasure hunt. (I was delighted by the diverse collection of red objects I discovered during my walk. I found everything from bright red plants, to a cool old fire engine, to interesting tail lights, to the reminder that Kinky Freidman once ran for governor here in Texas!)#3. Snap pics of your colorful discoveries using your phone. #4. Create a collage using your favorite photos. (There are lots of great free apps out there to try!)#5. Share your creation on your favorite social media. (Who knows ~ you might inspire someone else to enjoy some colorful creative play!)If you decide to venture out into the spring sunshine to take a color walk of your own, I’d love to see your photos! Just tag me on Instagram or Facebook to share.As Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on!If you’re a color lover like I am be sure to check out my “Color Yourself Happy” Creative Oasis Retreats this March.Until next time, all the best from Creative Oasis to yours,Jill  SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave