Creating The Creative Life You Crave


You and I are endlessly creating ourselves...our lives...our creative journeys with every choice we make and each small step we take (or don't take) every single day. The quote above inspires me, motivates me, and gives me hope that I'm on the right path with this soul-satisfying (sometimes misunderstood) work of creativity coaching I do.

My passion in life is to support you with gentle accountability and to share simple but crazy effective ways for you to move past your blocks.

  • Past the "I don't have enough time."

  • Past the "I'm not good enough."

  • Past the "Who do I think I am?"

  • Past the "I don't deserve this."

Past all of the perfectionism, procrastination, inner critic voices and overwhelm that conspire to keep you from creating the life you crave.

Why is embracing your creative dreams and desires so important?

Because when you do finally start to say yes to you, to take those small, baby steps toward living a creative life, you start to feel truly energized and delighted from the inside out and you create a happier, healthier life for yourself in body, mind, and spirit.

What could be better than that?

Want a taste? Join me this Saturday, April 1st if in you're in the DFW area:

New to Creative Oasis? Be sure to grab your free copy of my Permission to Be Creative 101 Guide and dive into 10 minutes of guilt-free creative joy right away!

Sending you so much love and light from my Creative Oasis to yours ~ wherever that may be today.

XO ~ Jill