If You Like To Laugh You'll Love This


"When I let myself paint it feels so good. It feels like laughing!"

These are the happy words of a client who recently gave herself permission to pick up her brushes and start painting again. I loved her analogy so much that it inspired my latest Creative Oasis Mantra above. She was kind enough to also let me borrow a portion of one of her recent paintings to create it. (Thanks, Anna!)

Take a moment to close your eyes and think about how it feels to enjoy a good laugh. Wonderful, right? Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, your body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

You can trigger positive reactions similar to those caused by laughing when you give yourself permission to enjoy Creative Oasis Moments. You can feel the joy of creative play via traditional outlets such as making art, playing music, writing or dancing but also with any experience that makes your heart sing and time fly such as cooking, gardening, entertaining, traveling, practicing yoga, spending time in nature, going to a concert, visiting a gallery, etc...

Are you ready to enjoy more Creative Oasis Moments in your life? Are you ready to move past blocks like procrastination, perfectionism, inner critic voices and feeling overwhelmed by your never ending to-do list to make that happen? If so, I'd love to help!

If you've never experienced a one-on-one creative coaching session with me, I invite you to book a complimentary 30-minute session using this link sometime between now and May 12, 2017. 

I have 3 spots opening up for new 1-on-1 coaching clients this May.  Jumping on a free coaching call with me is a great way for you to decide if you'd like one of them to be yours. 

Why not take this opportunity to add joy, decrease stress and get those endorphins pumping simply by spending more time with the creative expressions and experiences you crave?

Here's to more laughter and more creative play for us all!

All the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,
