3 Ways To Be Your Own Muse A La Frida Kahlo


Frida Kahlo famously found inspiration in some of the darkest and most painful situations of her life from a crippling bus accident in her youth to her tumultuous marriage and divorce from Diego Rivera. An iconic and beloved artist, Kahlo's fearless depiction of her pain and brokenness in addition to her own unique sense of style captured our hearts and imaginations.

Do you ever look to yourself and your own life for creative inspiration? Here are three ways to practice "being your own muse" a la Kahlo:

  1. Tap into your intuition by pondering the following questions, "Which aspects of my life energize and delight me? Which feel the most compelling and inspiring?" Use your answers as a jumping off point for creative discovery.

  2. Choose a defining memory (good or bad) from your life to place in the center of a mind map as a way to brainstorm a multitude of ideas for a new creative project inspired by your own experiences. (Here's concise "how-to" guide if you're unfamiliar with the concept of Mind Mapping.)

  3. Find a favorite photo of yourself. What is it about the image that you love? The colors? The time? The place? The circumstance? Write down all of the words and images that come to mind. You can then use these as inspiration for your next written, visual, musical, edible, wearable or other creation.

Several of Kahlo's works, including one of the most well-known, "The Two Fridas," hang in the fantastic "Mexico 1900-1950" exhibition currently showing at the Dallas Museum of Art along with many other wonderful pieces spanning 50 years of Mexican Modern Art.

If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas, I invite you to join me for a Creative Oasis Day Trippers outing to view the exhibition and have some creative fun together afterward in the Atrium Cafe.

  • What: Creative Oasis Day Trippers Outing ~ Mexico 1900-1950 Exhibit

  • Where: Dallas Museum of Art ~ 1717 North Harwood ~ Dallas, Texas  75201

  • When: Thursday, May 25, 2017 ~ 2 to 4 pm

  • Cost: $20 (plus the cost of entry into exhibit for non-members)

(NOTE ~ Only 10 spots available. Pre-registration is required and includes email reminder, pre-trip prompts, creative time together at the DMA and follow-up email. This does not include entrance into the exhibit which is free to members. The first 3 non-members who register will be my guests.)  

 Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,
