Creative Potential - Use It or Lose It

Is it time to tap into your creative potential?
It’s there you know…inside you…waiting to be set free.
What’s one small way you might tap into your creativepotential today? How might you give yourself permission to spend even just fiveor ten minutes experiencing some type of creative joy?
(Remember, whatever makes your heart sing and time fly,that’s your Creative Oasis!)
What if you create an empowered quote? The above combinationof Robert Greenleaf’s words and mine is an example of an Empowered Quote.(Click here for more on how to create your own.)
What if you took a photo with your phone? (Click here foranother creative fun with your phone idea.) 

What if you wrote a haiku? (Click here for more haiku play.) 

What if you set a time for five minutes andcolored in a mandala? 
Dr. Wayne Dyer says, 
“Don’t die with your music still insideyou. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs yoursoul. Listen to that inner voice, and don’t get to the end of your life andsay, ‘What if my whole life has been wrong?’”
I love the basic meaning of his words, but since I’m astickler for positive language and asking rather than telling, I say, 
“What mightit feel like to set your inner music free? What if you asked your wise inner self what stirspassion in your soul? What if you listened to your intuitive inner voice as ifit were the voice of an amazing creative expert (because it is!) and said Yes!to your passion? How wonderful would it be to get to the end of your life andsay “My life has been a more wonderful, joyous experience for allowing myselfto set my creative spirit free!”
If you like, use the above questions as journal prompts andsee what comes up for you.
Better yet, if you'd like to share, please post what your wise inner voice shared with you in the comments section below. It's always so inspiring to hear what your wise inner voice has to allow.
Need some help making time for your creative potential? Join me for 
Creating Time for Your Creative Oasis,
my upcoming 12-week teleclass where you'll explore fun new ways of using creativity to
reinvent the clock, reclaim your life and rejuvenate your Creative Oasis!
Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis toyours,

P.S. – If you'd like to have Mid-Week Oasis Moments (bite-sized bonbons of creative inspiration) delivered each week please sign up here:
You'll also receive a free copy of "Permission to Be Creative 101" – my short e-book that will help you take the first small steps to make the time and space for creative fulfillment – your Creative Oasis – in  your busy life!