Want More Time for Creative Fun?

With each passing year the phrase “Time Flies” takes ongreater meaning. Days fly by…weeks fly by…months fly by and before you know itit’s been thirty years since you graduated from high school…twenty years sinceyou got married…fourteen years since your baby was born…and ten years since thefinal episode of Friends aired. (I’m speaking for myself...please feel freeto insert your own milestones.)
So here’s my thinking, since time seems to fly by fasterthan ever, why not spend a little more of that precious time enjoying the creativeexperiences that energize and delight you? Playing the piano andsinging…writing that book…learning to watercolor…taking a cookingclass…planting a garden…knitting a sweater…again, feel free to insert your own creative joys of choice here.
As a creativity coach, one of my passions is helping people make more time and space in their busy lives for their own Creative Oasis™– which to me is anything that makes your heart sing and time fly! 

Creating Time for Your CreativeOasis™
my new 12-week teleclass beginning September 18th, is designed to help you do just that. 
What’s one small way you might spend more time havingfun with your creative pursuits? 
What if you…
…call a friend and set up a creative play date?
…give yourself permission to enjoy some creative time ratherthan watching a TV show or getting lost in your Facebook feed?
…pull a craft down off the shelf and set a timer for 10minutes of creative fun?
I’ll leave you with this powerful quote and hope that it inspiresyou to look for new ways to spend time enjoying your own Creative Oasis™today. (For lots more ideas, prompts and support – join me for CreatingTime for Your Creative Oasis beginning September 18th!)
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed 
by thethings you didn’t do than by the ones you did. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain

Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis™ toyours,
Jill Allison Bryan
P.S. – If you'd like to have Mid-Week Oasis Moments (bite-sized bonbons of creative inspiration) delivered each week please sign up here: https://www.creativeoasiscoaching.com/newsletter.html
You'll also receive a free copy of "Permission to Be Creative 101" – my short e-book that will help you take the first small steps to make the time and space for creative fulfillment – your Creative Oasis – in  your busy life!