Are You In Love With Your Life?

staticlaughingjill-copykerouacSomeone once said to me after they learned that I’m a creativity coach, “Oh. You must work with bored, rich women.”Um, no. Actually I work with all types of intelligent, talented women from all over the world. Some of these women have fallen out of love with their lives for one reason or another and need help to remedy the situation.Ten years ago I was one such woman. Thankfully I had the good fortune to discover creative coaching at a time I was feeling frustrated and unfulfilled in my own life.Being coached by Jill Badonsky, founder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching, set me on a transformational journey that transformed and enriched my life and continues to do so to this day.A few of the experiences I’ve enjoyed over the past ten years:* Reignited my passion for making music* Wrote and recorded my solo CD, Dancing In Limbo* Hosted my CD release as a fundraiser/silent art auction/concert/raffle that raised over $10,000 for Women for Women International* Trained for and ran a half-marathon* Earned my certification as a Master Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach* Founded my Creative Oasis Coaching business* Created, facilitated and presented a plethora of creative classes, workshops, presentations and retreats* Coached hundreds of women around the globe* Written and published my Mid-Week Oasis Moments newsletter and blog posts every week for more than three years* Traveled to Bhutan, Paris, Japan and throughout the United States* Spent precious time with my friends and family* And most importantly, learned to treat my life itself as my greatest creative endeavor!I share all of this not to boast but to give you hope.Believe me when I say I was not equipped to carry out all of this prior to asking for help and learning and practicing the unconventional tools and techniques of creative coaching in my own life. (Oh, I had plenty of creative wishes and dreams ~ but focus and follow through? Not so much.)If you’ve fallen out of love with your life, if you’re feeling stuck, frustrated or overwhelmed, I want you to know there’s hope!If you’ve been contemplating reaching out to me about one-on-one creative coaching now’s the time.For the next two weeks I’m offering special spring coaching package bonus (5 spots available).Springtime Transformation Bonus ~ includes an additional 50-minute one-on-one session and 30-minute Creative Oasis Date ($175 value) with every 8-week creative coaching package. (Only 5 of these bonus packages available. Offer ends midnight May 11, 2016.)Oh, and to the guy who made the crack about bored, rich women I wish I could introduce him to some of the amazing people I’ve been honored to coach:* A professional organizer whose creative life now thrives with consistent creative outings, photography, poetry and more.* An Ayurvedic specialist who weaves creative living into her work and personal life like never before.* A freelance writer who in addition to her work for local and national publications successfully completed a year–long blog passion project and is currently working on her first book.* A seminary student who now uses creative coaching tools and techniques to help her write and prepare her sermons.* A graphic designer who’s finally painting for her own pleasure again.* A psychiatrist who embraces creative living with zeal from photography, to entertaining to traveling throughout the world.It’s my passion and privilege to share the very same methods that transformed my life and those of my clients along with compassionate support and gentle accountability that will help you embrace the creative life you crave.If you’re ready to fall in love with your life I invite you to explore the life-changing experience of creative coaching. Gentle Reminder: The Springtime Transformation Bonus of an additional 50-minute one-on-one session and 30-minute Creative Oasis Date ($175 value) with every 8-week creative coaching package is only good through midnight May 11, 2016.Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,JillP.S. ~ If one-on-one coaching isn’t for you right now, I hope you’ll stay tuned to these Mid-Week Oasis Moments for upcoming offerings and join me over on my Creative Oasis Coaching Facebook page for daily inspiration and motivation.