Don't Wait Until January to Create the Change You Want Today
The first day of a new year is routinely used as the start date for diets, business plans, exercise programs, journals and a host of other well-intentioned changes people want to make.How about you? Is there a change you’d like to make in your creative life?Do you want more time spent writing, drawing, cooking, taking photos, crafting, practicing yoga, meditating, gardening, enjoying and exploring your personal creative projects and passions? (Or as I like to call them, Creative Oasis Moments.)Have you told yourself you’ll wait and make that change come January?If so, I beg you, don’t wait. Start now.Now? Right now? At the beginning of this often amped-up, overbooked, stress-filled season?Yes! Here’s why…When you give yourself permission to start now…and start small…you'll lower the pressure and be much more likely to succeed in the changes you want to make.Say good riddance to the all or nothing mentality of a new year’s resolution and embrace your creative life right here and now…starting today…even if only for five or ten minutes at a time. (If you're looking for compassionate support, personalized guidance and gentle accountability, I can help.)Small successes (playing one song at the piano, cooking one new recipe, coloring one page in a coloring book, taking one photo) feel good. And when we do something that feels good, we’re more likely to repeat it again and again. That’s how soul-satisfying creative habits are formed.I’ve created this December Creative Oasis Moment Reminder to help you.
#1 ~ Click here to download your free printable copy. #2 ~ Print and post this as a gentle reminder to give yourself permission to enjoy 10 minutes (or more) of personal creative bliss each day. (Remember, even two or three times a week is better than none.)#3 ~ To use this calendar as creative habit booster, take a second to write which Creative Oasis Moment you enjoyed and how it made you feel each day. (For example: December 1st ~ Colored. Happy. December 7th ~ Made soup. Nurtured. December 12th ~ Yoga. Relaxed. December 21st ~ Sang. Energized.)#4 ~ Give yourself credit (gold star stickers aren't just for kids!) for each and every Creative Oasis Moment you experience this month.#5 ~ Beat the New Year's Resolution Rush and book a complimentary one-on-one session with me now if you're ready to say goodbye to procrastination, perfectionism and overwhelm with creativity coaching.Do this and you’ll be well on your way to creating a strong, creative habit by the time January 1st rolls around.I promise you’ll be glad you didn’t wait to show your creative spirit some love!P.S. ~ There’s still time to download all three of the Creative Oasis Christmas Goodies I created to help you set your intentions for a holiday that’s merry and bright. (Christmas Wish List, Gifts of Christmas Past & Creative Oasis Moment Reminder)