O-kini ~ A Special Word of Thanks
As Thanksgiving nears, I'm grateful for so much. My family, my friends, the amazing group of clients and colleagues in my Creative Oasis tribe. And, of course, the experience of my recent trip to Japan with my best friend.Our first night in Kyoto we visited the establishment of a friend of a friend. While we visited (mainly by using google translate) he taught us the word "o-kini" (oh-keen-ee) ~ which means "thank you" but is used only in Kyoto as a regional alternative to "arigauto" which is used throughout Japan.Almost every time we thanked people by saying "o-kini" a smile sprang to their lips and they would shake their heads or give a surprised chuckle and reply in kind. It seems the word is generally not known or used by tourists. One clerk at a store clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Perfect!"
Simply using this special word of thanks during our days in Kyoto added a dash of joy to our social interactions. It felt so good to be able to share a little deeper connection with the lovely people we met who were always so gracious, kind and helpful to us wherever we went.
We relied on the kindness of strangers several times. The gentleman above was the angel who (after a long day of bus rides and walking miles in the pouring rain) offered to drive us back to our side of town after we asked if he'd mind calling a taxi for us. We'd sought refuge and a meal inside his and his sweet wife's tiny restaurant (first floor of their home) and a young friend of theirs happen to show up and translate for us. Many "okinis" on this occasion!In Tokyo a friend of Gwen's hosted us for three nights and was the best tour guide you could hope to have. Our first full day we logged more than 18,000 steps (per her fitbit) visiting museums, shops and restaurants.
Today I want to share a special word of thanks to you. Thanks for welcoming me into your world each week and for the honor of accompanying many of you on your creative journeys through coaching, classes and workshops. O-kini!