Finding Jill has Changed My Life

Tears of gratitude welled up as I read these lovely, heartfelt words from my client, Hilary, this past weekend:

Last night while walking in the park, I heard myself say to my partner:

Finding Jill has changed my life. She’s the reason that I’m doing what I’m doing and - when others ask what I do, I can confidently reply that I’m an artist, a poet, a writer, a photographer, and have a small-press business.

… and I thought “I should write that down for Jill.”

I hope it lifts you up. 💛 And if it can be of use to you to share, please do.

I appreciate you so much. 💖

- Hilary

When she first joined the Magic Action Mastermind, Hilary felt a strong pull to carve out space and time for creative joy and satisfaction in her life but wasn’t sure what that would look like or where to begin.

Fast forward to today ~ about one year later ~ now in her second round of the Magic Action Mastermind and the evidence of her growth and success is abundant and clear!

  • After over 15 years of dreaming about it she finally started creating Zines and attended her first Zine conferences.

  • Created her website and opened her online store for her small-press business ~ Bilbury Press.

  • Sells her zines and other handcrafted products online and at conferences.

  • Handled all of the legal and financial aspects of opening her creative business that had felt too daunting before.

  • Writing poetry and working on a book of poetry and illustrations.

  • Started the practice of taking solo creative camping retreats. (something she’d never done before)

  • Posting on social media in a way that feels fun and doable. (something that had once felt overwhelming and scary)

  • Taking steps towards creating a new career that will combine her love of photography, writing and helping others tap into the healing power of creativity.

  • Confidently claims her space in the world as a creative and happily shares what she’s up to these days with others.


This is your invitation to join Hilary, me and the other members of the Magic Action Mastermind to bring your creative dreams to life this month!

Receive special September 2024 bonus as soon as you join including:

💠 Instant access to the Crystal Clear Creative Vision {CCCV} course materials

💠 3 weeks of live instruction and coaching to guide you step by step through the CCCV materials so you have total clarity around your creative focus for the 6-month mastermind. (CCCV calls start September 17th!)

💠 Instant access to up to 3 live Magic Action Dates per week (our weekly co-creation, accountability sessions)

​Ready to stop going it alone?

Want highly personalized support and guidance that will help you create a life and business you love and feel proud of?

You’re in the right place!

Use the button below to book a complimentary Clarity Call and let’s talk to see if joining the mastermind is right for you.

​Shared with love, light and the 100% belief that when you say yes to your creative callings you’ll be a happier, healthier, more fulfilled human and the world will be a better, brighter place!

Jill Allison Bryan