New Moon, New School Supplies, New You…

Though it's been years since I’ve been in school, I still feel a thrill of possibility this time of year!

For decades September held the promise of a fresh start with the chance to choose new notebooks, pens, backpacks and clothes.

It meant learning who my new teachers would be, reconnecting with old friends and meeting the new kids.

Often it meant being the new kid in class since we moved a lot when I was growing up.

It always felt like the chance to press restart and begin again.

I just returned home to Dallas after a month working remotely in Colorado including a private creative retreat weekend in Denver and sponsoring and participating in BIFA {Breckenridge International Festival of Arts}.

The combined energy of Labor Day weekend, the new moon on Monday and stepping into the first days of the last quarter of 2024 has me feeling a renewed sense of motivation and dedication to my creative vision.

Personally I'm excited to start working with new coaches to help me take my creative vision to the next level.

I’m also delighted to invite entrepreneurs, artists, writers and multi-passionate creatives (that’s you!) to join me inside my Magic Action Mastermind!

We’ll dive in together starting with a 3-week live round of the Crystal Clear Creative Vision (CCCV) course on September 17th for everyone joining the mastermind this month.

You’ll have step by step guidance throughout CCCV to come to a place of total clarity around your next creative chapter.

Afterwards you’ll enjoy continued support and coaching to help you take consistent inspired action to bring your creative dreams to life inside the Magic Action Mastermind.

➡️ Choose one of the times I just added to my calendar next week to schedule your complimentary Creative Oasis Clarity Call.

We’ll discuss your creative restart and whether joining us inside the Magic Action Mastermind is your next best step to bring your creative vision to life.

Here’s to giving yourself permission to make the most of the fresh start energy of this season!