The Glass Half Full Philosophy

glasshalffullmwom(photo by Melissa Hennings Photography)Actually, the same thing applies to a cup of cinnamon-spiked coffee or glass of green iced-tea for me.It's really about finding little easy ways to nurture your creative spirit ~ whether unwinding with a glass of wine and a coloring book or writing in your journal while sipping hot tea.You can easily enrich your life and maintain a glass half full attitude by adding simple touches that feel special to your days.Here are a few more favorite ways of mine and my coaching clients to elevate an "I get to" creative experience or transform a not-so-great "I have to" experience into something a bit more palatable:* Open a window to let in a cool breeze * Light a candle * Listen to music* Savor a bit of chocolate or piece of fruit* Move outside* Take a 5 to 1o-minute Creative Oasis break * Act "as if" you're someone you greatly admire* Ask yourself my three go-to questions:    How can I make this easier?   How can I make this more meaningful?   How can I make this more fun?Here's to remembering though we may not have control over every circumstance that comes our way, we can show ourselves creative kindnesses, choose our responses and practice seeing the glass as half full whenever possible.If you live in Dallas, I'd love for you to show yourself a creative kindness and  join me for one of my upcoming Creative Oasis Coloring Parties or classes!Until next time, all the best from my glass-half-full Creative Oasis to yours,Jillp.s. ~ If you want to help me spread the creative love, please feel free to share this post on Facebook, twitter or pinterest. It's good creative karma.sunflowerselfie