The Harsh Truth About Your To Do List

longlistmwom2Do you put off the creative "me" time you crave because there's too much on your to do list?Do you tell yourself you'll get around to your creative projects and plans once you're all caught up?New flash! The harsh reality is your To Do List will never be completely finished. There'll always be another bill to pay, meeting to attend, load of laundry to wash and email to return.So, if we agree that your To Dos aren't going anywhere, maybe, just maybe,  you can transform that never-ending list into a top-of-mind creative motivator.Which brings us to this week's Creative Oasis Quest ~ a simple creative challenge to help you live a more creative life!This Creative Oasis Quest is so stinkin' simple that you might think I've gone crazy. While that's a subject that's up for debate, there's a method to my madness.What if for the next week you write one of the creative experiences you find yourself daydreaming about at the very top of your To Do List?That's it. That's the entire challenge. Simply write one of the creative projects, plans or pursuits you'd love to spend more time enjoying at the top of your list of things you need to do each day.I can already hear some of you thinking "What good will that do?"It's a kaizen thing. Kaizen is that wonderful Japanese term that means "small steps to continuous improvement."The first small step to making any change in your life (such as spending more time enjoying the Creative Oasis Moments that make your heart sing and time fly) is awareness. You have to be aware that you want something in your life before you can bring it into your life with intention. (We talked a bit about this last week.)By simply writing the creative "me" time experience of your choice at the top of your list each day you'll gently bring it into your awareness. Your brain will slowly become more and more comfortable with the idea. Especially when it sees your Creative Oasis Moment right up there in the numero uno spot!If To Do Lists aren't your thing, you can write your creative wish onto a sticky note and put it someplace you're sure to see it every day...your bathroom mirror...your computer...your fridge.Be sure to meet me back here next week and we'll take the next small step together.You know, the holiday season is upon us. Halloween waits just around the corner, with Thanksgiving and Christmas close behind. As the holidays begin to take up more and more space on your to do lists, making time for yourself can become even more of a challenge.Soon I’ll be telling you about a special program to help you make it through the craziness of Christmas season with less stress, more joy and plenty of creative self-care!Until next time, have fun showing your to do list who's boss!JillP.S. ~ If you enjoyed this post be sure to sign up to receive my Mid-Week Oasis Moments ~ bite-size bonbons of creative inspiration and motivation delivered each week. You’ll also receive a free copy of my e-book, Permission to Be Creative 101.