Do You Listen To Your Heart?

rumimwom10715Do you ever find yourself pulled in a zillion different directions?Do your family, friends and the demands of home, work and life in general pull you away from the “creative me time” you crave?I love Rumi’s gentle reminder to give yourself permission to be “drawn by the strange pull of what you love.”When you take a moment to listen to that “strange pull” you’re actually listening to your intuition…to your inner knowing.Believe me, you’re not alone if the noise of the outside world (including the beautiful noise of family and friends and other good stuff) drowns out your wise inner voice from time to time.That’s why I’m happy to share this week’s Creative Oasis Quest to help you give yourself permission to take a minute (or two to be exact) to get quiet and listen to what your heart wants to tell you.Here’s how.

  1. Get a sheet of paper or a journal and pen.
  2. Set a timer for two minutes.
  3. Answer this question: “What creative experiences would I love to enjoy more often?”
  4. Make a quick list of everything you can think of that sounds good to you.
  5. Choose the one that energizes you the most. When you read it you feel a little buzz of happiness even imagining yourself doing it!

In the coming days simply let yourself think about the many different ways you might say yes to this creative experience you crave.Maybe you’ve heard the saying by James Redfield, “Where attention goes energy flows.” It’s so true.By allowing yourself to simply daydream, ponder and think about your creative wish, you take the first small step to making it come true.Here’s to letting yourself be drawn by the strange pull of what you love and adding the joy and satisfaction of what I like to call Creative Oasis Moments your life.The holiday season will be here soon when carving out quiet time to listen to yourself can be even more of a challenge. Stay tuned for a special program I’ll be offering to help you make it through the craziness of Christmas with less stress, more joy and plenty of creative self-care!Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,JillP.S. ~ If you enjoyed this post be sure to sign up to receive my Mid-Week Oasis Moments ~ bite-size bonbons of creative inspiration and motivation delivered each week. You’ll also receive a free copy of my e-book, Permission to Be Creative 101.