Here's To Contagious Creativity ~ Pass It On!

contagiouscreativitymwom93015How’s your creative life these days?Do you spend as much time as you wish you did enjoying experiences that energize and delight you?As a creativity coach, it’s my passion to help you give yourself permission to weave more creative joy, satisfaction and peace into your busy life.I’m always dreaming up new ways to follow Einstein’s advice and pass on my love for creative living to you. (For example ~ Creative Oasis Coloring Parties as seen in the photos above taken by Melissa Hennings.)To help gently shift your attention and intention toward living the creative life you desire I’m happy to share something new with you: the Creative Oasis Quest.This is a simple creative prompt, challenge or mantra for you to play with, practice or ponder and a great way to amp up your creative outlook with ease.Here's your Creative Oasis Quest for today:What’s one simple way you can take Einstein’s advice to heart this week and spread some creative love?Don’t know where to begin? Here are a few ideas to help you get started:* Send a hand-written note to someone* Share an easy new recipe you’ve found with a friend* Throw a “favorites” themed potluck party ~ have each guest send their favorite song to make a playlist, bring their favorite appetizer and tell their favorite joke* Pass on a book, magazine, movie or CD that you love to someone else you think would enjoy it* Plan a date night trip to the arts district, a gallery, museum or concert* Surprise a friend with a box of crayons* Share this Mid-Week Oasis Moment with someone you think could use a creative boostHere’s to contagious creativity. Pass it on!All the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jill