Why Saying YES To Your Dreams NOW Is The Way To Go

CreativeOasisMantra#20Last weekend I attended a Celebration of Life service for a friend who passed away suddenly in a tragic accident. A wake up call and not so gentle reminder that this precious life we've been given is not certain nor the amount of time we're given here on earth.I know that John (a photographer and humanitarian) would encourage us all to embrace this day (and every single day going forward) with love, light and zeal for living a creative life that fills our souls and helps to shine love and light into a world that so desperately needs it. 

Let's not wait.Let's say yes to the whispering yearnings in our hearts.Let's not fear making mistakes or looking silly or unsuccessful or wrong.Let's spend each precious moment stepping into our true creative spirit and sharing it with the world.Let's make the life we've been blessed with truly worth living without regrets or wondering what might have been.Let's realize we're not "wasting time" when we enjoy the creative experiences we crave.When you say yes to your creative dreams and desires (however big or small) you're living life to its fullest and saying yes to the full spectrum of this wonderful existence with which you've been so beautifully blessed!What's holding you back from saying Yes! to your creative dreams and desires today? Drop me a line here or in the comments section below and let me know. There are so many simple, yet truly transformative techniques to move past blocks and into your creative flow and I'd love to share the methods that will help you the most. (And believe me, you won't be the only one who needs to hear them!)Since giving yourself permission is a powerful place to begin I've created another permission slip for you. You can click here to download your printable version. CreativeOasisPermissionSlipApril2016

Until next time, here's to saying Yes! to your Creative Oasis today,Jilljilleveryone'screativeP.S. - If this post spoke to your creative spirit, please use the buttons up top to share with your friends on Facebook, twitter and pinterest. Thanks for helping me make the world a more creatively joyful place!