The Trick To Living A Creative Life (According to Elizabeth Gilbert)

Creative Oasis Mantra #19 (4:6:16 mwom)My latest Creative Oasis Mantra was inspired by something I read in Big Magic.Yep ~ I'm referencing Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert yet again.There's just so much good stuff we're discovering together in our coaching group that I want to share at least some of it with you.According to Liz the trick to living a more creative life is this ~ Stop Complaining.Here (in brief) are her four good reasons to stop complaining about the creative life you want to lead but feel unable to achieve for a multitude of reasons: (perfectionism, procrastination, fears, overwhelm ~ any of these sound familiar?)

  1. It's annoying. (Can't argue with her there, can we?)
  2. Of course, it's difficult to create. She goes on to say, "If it wasn't difficult, everyone would be doing it, and it wouldn't be special or interesting."
  3. Nobody every really listens to anybody else's complaints anyhow (because we're all too focused on our own holy struggle, so basically you're talking to a brick wall.)
  4. Most important ~ you're scaring away your inspiration. (Liz goes into more delightful detail here, but I urge you to read the book to enjoy it all for yourself.)

I found this to be an excellent reality check.The world doesn't owe me a thriving creative coaching practice. The world doesn't owe me a life filled with Creative Oasis Moments. The world doesn't owe it to me to make my creative dreams come true.But I believe I owe it to myself.And I believe you owe it to yourself to enjoy the creative projects, passions and pursuits you dream of too.It's not always easy. I get that. There's a lot that stands in your way and vies for your time and attention. You're not alone.But in the end, we have a choice to make.Will we complain about what's not happening in our creative lives or will we find ways to make it happen and infuse our days with joy and fulfillment that we wouldn't otherwise experience?If you're leaning toward the latter choice but aren't quite sure where to begin I invite you to visit a few of my favorite Mid-Week Oasis Moments to help you get started:Practice Saying Yes To YourselfIt's Never Too Late To CreateLetting Your Creative Spirit BloomIf you're feeling impatient and really ready to move past the blocks that are holding you back then one-on-one creative coaching may be just the accountability and support you need.You and I both know (and I'm sure Liz does too) that there's not simply one trick to living a creative life.But there are some amazingly powerful tools and techniques that when combined with the gentle support and accountability of one-on-one creative coaching can help you live the creative life you crave.Wherever you are on your creative journey, I'd love to support you, whether it be via coaching, a coloring party, a creative workshop, via these Mid-Week Oasis Moments of creative inspiration and motivation or connecting on my Creative Oasis Facebook page. (I invite you to sign up here to receive your free Permission to Be Creative 101 Guide to jumpstart your creativity in just 10 minutes if you haven't already.)Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jilljill&bigmagic