Who Says There Are No Guarantees In Life?


You've heard the quote often attributed to Albert Einstein

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

And yet, you've likely been guilty of this very behavior. I know I have. And we're not alone. The truth is, it can be more comfortable to keep doing the same thing over and over again, even if it's not the best choice......even if it's not healthy....even if it's not a very nice way to treat yourself....even if it's holding you back from being the most authentic version of yourself you can be.

Being stuck in a rut can actually feel more comfortable than making a much-needed change. Strange, but true and here's why:

Change can be scary.

Fear is uncomfortable.

This leads to staying in situations even when you know deep down you shouldn't. To staying stuck even when you feel yourself bursting at the seems with the wish to change. Because sticking with the familiar (even an awful familiar) can sometimes be more comfortable than making a change.

The Creative Oasis Discovery Sessions will give you a roadmap to follow out of the depths of complacency and back to the real you ~ who you really want to be in the next chapter of your creative journey. And you won't have to make that journey alone. I'll be there to support you with gentle accountability, personalized coaching and creative experiences that will shine a light on who you want to be and what you want to experience.

We'll use creative exploration, expression and conversation to help you get clear on what you want for the next phase of your life, boost your creative confidence and practice good self-care without guilt. Registration for the 15 spots available for the Creative Oasis Discovery Sessions opens today and ends Friday, January 27, 2017. If you're ready to make a positive change in your creative life, I hope you'll join me!