An Invitation to Self-Discovery: Complimentary New Year ~ New You Workshop


Would you like some clarity around your creative dreams and desires for the New Year? More than that, would you like to know which steps to take next to begin turning those dreams and desires into your reality?

If that sounds good, I invite you to join me for the complimentary online workshop I'm sharing next week.

We'll use the 

New Year ~ New You 3-step Discovery Guide

 as a framework for you to spend some focused time contemplating who you want to be and what you want to experience in 2017. I'll also share personalized coaching, tips, and suggestions to help you come up with options for delightfully doable next steps that will keep you moving forward on your creative journey. 

Contact me here

to be automatically registered and I'll send you all of the information you need to join me for our call next week!

Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,


