To Be Free or Held Hostage ~ Which Will You Choose?

When I read these words, I’m filled with a surge of hope, promise and possibility!“You don’t have to hold yourself hostage to who you used to be.” ~ Oprah


This quote is my Creative Oasis Mantra for 2017! It's time for a new me ~ the real me ~ in the new year. (Maybe for you too?)

Please let me know if you'd like a free copy of the 3-Step "New Year ~ New You" Discovery Guide I've created to help you use gentle self-reflection to move into 2017 with inspired clarity around who you want to be in this next chapter of your life. (Only available through 1/19/17. You'll also receive an invitation to a free group coaching call later this month.)

Oprah's quote beautifully sums up the message I’ve been sharing with you over the past several weeks. (If you’ve missed any Mid-Week Oasis Moments because of the holidaze ~ you can click on the images below to catch up in less than 5 minutes.)

I'm Ditching My Superwoman Cape ~ Care To Join Me?

Tea With Tolstoy

Dolly Parton & Me

3 Reasons Why You Won't Change

3 Steps To Help Discover A New You In The New Year

Of course, you're free to use the 3-Step Discovery Guide on your own, but the women I work with know they're more likely to find success with the support, guidance and gentle accountability of coaching ~ whether it be one-on-one or in a group. (You'll also be invited to special free group coaching call on January 19, 2017 when you request your copy.)

If that sounds good, be sure to mark your calendar for January 19, 2017 and join us. That's also when registration will open for the limited number of spaces available in my new coaching program ~ The Creative Oasis Discovery Sessions.

Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,
