I’m Ditching The Superwoman Cape. Care To Join Me?


In recent months my trusty glass-half-full outlook has developed a crack or two for a variety of reasons.…shake-ups in family dynamics.…work challenges.…major relationship changes.…health issues of relatives.…daily world news that makes me want to weep.…and last week, the unexpected death of my precious cocker spaniel, Brutus. That one threw me for a full-body loop. I honestly didn’t think I had that many tears left to cry.

When I admitted to a friend I just didn’t have it in me to keep going through the motions with a smile, I was floored when she asked ~“When are you going to take off the cape?”

Wait a minute!  What? Are you talking to me? I’ve never consciously tried to act like I’m some sort of Super-Woman but in that moment I began to question all the roles I play, what it takes to keep all of those plates spinning, and where the “real me” fits into the picture.

Maybe you can relate?

Maybe shifting life situations have left you with loads of questions but not enough time to ponder the answers.

Maybe you’re starting to feel the strain of keeping all of those balls in the air. (Many of which aren’t even yours!)

Maybe you’re feeling like the “real you” has taken a backseat to everyone else’s idea of who you should be.

One happy HeeMeeSheeMee* is that I’m putting the finishing touches on the Creative Oasis Discovery Sessions ~ my new group coaching program that will start up in the new year. It turns out not only will I be helping a select few seekers (maybe you?) use their creativity to examine the questions “Who Am I?” and “What Do I Want?” ~ I’ll be exploring those same questions right along with them.

Here’s to ditching the superwoman cape and getting reacquainted with the true you before moving into the next phase of life ~ whatever that may be!

All the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,

Jill ~ AKA ~ Definitely Not Superwoman!

(*My word for a serendipity.)

P.S. ~ I'm so missing this sweet face!
