The Secret To Manifesting Big Magic


This quote from Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic says it all.


It's not enough to just buy the book and set it on your nightstand and hope that you'll somehow absorb the creative wisdom through psychic osmosis.


It's not enough to simply read the book and hope that your creative life will be magically transformed once you finish the last page.


It's not even enough to believe big changes in your creative life are possible UNLESS...


You're ready to "participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings" in your creative life. 


That's why I'm creating the Big Magic "Better-Than-A-Book-Club" Coaching Group ~ to help you do the work (and enjoy the play) necessary to manifest the creative life you crave.


Delightfully doable steps combined with compassion support and years of creative coaching know-how will guide you every step of the way.


Doors open to the 12 available spots for this pilot program next Monday, February 22nd and remain open only to current Mid-Week Oasis Moment subscribers until February 24th when registration opens to the general public. (Sign up here to subscribe and receive your free copy of my "Permission to Be Creative 101" Guide.)



Are you ready to manifest some creative Big Magic? Me too!


Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,

