The Surprisingly Wonderful Place Your Overwhelm Can Lead

dreamscometrueMWOMSo I'll admit that last weekend I was feeling stressed out and ticked off.I gave up my ticket to see Mavis Staples to stay home to wrap up some business, do laundry and take care of some mix ups regarding our spring break trip to Disney World.Once I'd gotten myself good and worked up about everything I took a step back, took a deep breath and had an epiphany ~ You are blessed to have these "problems," Jill! (First world problems as they say!)I have a friend who's husband recently fell off a ladder and fractured his skull. Believe it or not...she has had the grace to find many blessings in her current life-altering situation.So I stopped to look for the blessings underneath the overwhelm I was feeling and here's what I realized:

  • My parents are still both with me and in good enough health to travel with us.
  • My family loves traveling together.
  • My teenage daughter would rather go to Disneyworld with her family than stay here with her friends.
  • We have the means to take this trip together.
  • My business is growing and I have the opportunity to work with the most amazing women (both colleagues and clients!) doing something I love with my whole heart.
  • I'm in good health.
  • And I have lovely, supportive friends! (Now what was it I was getting so worked up about again?)

I share this story with you because I want you to know if you get caught up in overwhelm and stress from time to time ~ you're not alone!Sometimes all it takes it closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and asking yourself a small question ~ "Where's the blessing in this moment?"Sometimes it takes reminding yourself that good self-care is important ~ whether that's taking a trip to Disney World with your family (the photo up top was taken while waiting in line for the fabulously fun Toy Story ride!) or a taking a class to rejuvenate your creative spirit.Here's to finding the courage under the overwhelm to make your creative dreams come true!With love & light ~ Jill
