7 Ways To Tap Into Your Creative Flow With Cookie Decorating

*Warning ~ Not For Die-Hard Martha Stewart Fans!During my Living A Creative Life class yesterday the delightfully doable creative experience I had waiting for our group (I share a new one each week) was decorating Christmas cookies!We did not watch a how-to video. We did not have a step-by-step guide to follow. We did not have a photo of what our cookies should look like.What we did have was a plate of round (kind of lumpy) sugar cookies, a ginormous bowl of white royal icing, several bottles of food coloring and some assorted sprinkles.After assuring everyone there was no right or wrong way to do this ~ we sat down and got to decorating.Our "go with the flow" cookie decorating techniques might have made Martha Stewart’s head pop off, but they offered us the opportunity to…

  • Experiment, dabble and play
  • Practice being okay with imperfection
  • Try something totally new
  • Release attachment to the outcome
  • Be present in the moment
  • Delight in the process
  • Tap into our playful childlike creative spirit
  • Experience the pure joy of conversation and laughter with kindred creative spirits

And while some people may not have found the results to be “Pinterest-Worthy,” I love the colorful, imaginative, sparkly, unique designs we created! (And the one I made that I really couldn’t stand ~ I ate right then and there. Problem solved.)Next we took a little time to ponder how we might bring all of these practices into our own creative lives.I invite you to do the same right now. Choose a creative endeavor you want to spend more time enjoying in 2019, open your journal and complete the following prompts:What’s one delightfully doable way you can…

  • Experiment, dabble and play with your creative endeavor?
  • Practice being okay with imperfection?
  • Try something totally new?
  • Release attachment to the outcome?
  • Be present in the moment?
  • Delight in the process?
  • Tap into your playful childlike creative spirit?
  • Experience the pure joy of conversation and laughter with kindred creative spirits?

If you live in the Dallas area and are looking for a way to enjoy this kind of playful creative exploration and camaraderie ~ you’re in luck!Though the 12-week Living A Creative Life group that began this week has sold out, registration for the next group starting in 2019 will open soon.Only 5 seats will be available for this class so contact me here if you want one of them for yourself!Until next time, wishing you many joyful Creative Oasis Moments and sending lots of love and light from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jill