Why I Gave Up On My 2018 Goal and Why I Know I’ll Succeed in 2019!

A couple of years ago I decided to try something I’d never attempted before ~ to run a 5K every month.I asked my friend Lori if she wanted to join me for that first race back in January of 2017.We had so much fun running (well, it was really a little running, a little walking and a lot of talking at the point) and catching up over breakfast afterward that she asked if she could join me for my 5K a month goal.Fast forward to December of 2017 where I finished my twelfth 5K of the year by winning 3rd place in my category. (It was not a huge group ~ but it still felt great to finish with a medal!)Lori ran all the races except the last with me because she had an injury. We’d had such a great time that year we decided to go for it again in 2018!And we did it! Until…Lori moved to Austin in August.Guess what happened? I didn’t run a 5K that month.I used all of the excuses that hadn’t stopped me for a year and a half as reasons to not register for a race. (I was too busy with work. I was traveling. I was helping my daughter get move to college. Insert excuse of your choice here…)I’ll be honest, after I blew off that August race, I haven’t registered for another one since ~ I just quietly let my goal slip away and even found myself running less and less during the week.For 2019, I’ve decided to try something new to set myself up for success and I want to invite you to join me!After hearing from many of you that were inspired by my running journey, I’m going to offer a free, monthly Creative Oasis 5K at White Rock Lake! (One of my favorite Creative Oasis Spaces on the planet!)Whether one person or 50 show up, we’ll enjoy a lovely 3.2-mile run (or run/walk, or walk/run, or walk) near the lake. Look for more info on our first 5K soon! (Message me here to let me know if you’d like to receive the monthly invites.)

I realized the reasons I succeeded with my 2017 goal are some of the same reasons my Creative Oasis Coaching clients succeed when they work with me as a personal trainer for their creative spirit.

(Scroll down to the end to find a special $100 discount good through January 11, 2019!) '

Gentle Accountability ~

Paying to register for the 5K and knowing that Lori had scheduled to run with me were two major reasons that I showed up for every race.Accountability is a powerful motivator when you want to show up consistently for anything you want more of in your life…whether running, yoga, painting, photography, jewelry making, or entertaining!The women who sign up to work with me know I’ll be there for them every step of the way.Whether via 1-1 coaching, group classes, or my private membership group ~ knowing they’ll be checking in with me on a weekly basis provides the accountability they need to keep showing up for themselves again and again while moving forward on their creative journey!

Connection ~

During my 5K runs I made some lovely connections!Connection to other runners…a special connection with Lori that deepened as we met and talked while running throughout the year…and, finally, a stronger connection to my own physical and mental well-being.Something I hear time and again from women I work with is how much they love the connections they’ve made via Creative Oasis!Connection with other interesting, intelligent, and caring women in my Creative Oasis tribe…connection with me as their coach, guide and friend…and a stronger connection to their own creative spirit.

Focus & Follow-Through ~

Having a monthly 5K goal kept me focused and following through with my training throughout the year. At the time, I didn’t even think of it as training, but maintaining a level of fitness where I could run a 5K at anytime I wanted was indeed just that.Weekly coaching calls, class meetings, Creative Oasis Dates and online check-ins are all ways the women I work with stay focused and enjoy the soul-satisfying feeling of follow-through with their creative endeavors.

From “As If” to “I Am” ~

When I signed up for my first 5K, I actually felt like a bit of a fraud. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to run it the entire way and I didn’t even consider myself to be a runner.By signing up and showing up for the races month after month, I went from “acting as if” I was a runner to confidently claiming, “I am a runner!”“Acting as if” is one of my favorite techniques to share via Creative Oasis and most women are delighted to learn that something as simple as wearing creative jewelry they’ve kept hidden away in a drawer, walking through a museum with a sketch pad in hand or chopping vegetables while channeling her inner Julia Child can lead to real transformation and the ability to claim “I am creative!” “I am an artist!” “I am a chef!”

Permission to Have Fun!

Running became a vital, joyful part of my life over that year and a half.In addition to the actual race days with Lori, I loved my solo weekday runs by the lake when I got to be alone with my thoughts while moving my body and connecting with nature.The women I work with often come to Creative Oasis in search of ways to enrich their lives with the fun and fulfillment of the creative projects, passions and pursuits they crave.If you’re ready to make some big changes for the better in 2019 as well as add more personal joy and satisfaction to your life, I invite you to contact me here to schedule a 30-minute clarity call to see if 1-on1 coaching could be right for you.

If you already know without a doubt that you’re ready to create a happier, healthier New Year for yourself ~ I want to offer you $100 off a 12-week 1-on-1 coaching package with me when you sign up now! (Offer ends January 1, 2019)

Whether or not you decide to join me for coaching, classes or the Creative Oasis 5Ks, you can count on me to keep sharing creative inspiration, motivation and permission with you right here throughout the New Year!Wishing you lots of love and light from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jill